tumblr_nsxwnuGLNs1qg8i7yo1_1280A NUDE BITE FOR OUR PINK WORLD

tumblr_ntosp7UmCd1u82muio3_1280tumblr_nt3l7zCKWH1rmfi0co3_1280Bronze skin, seductive look and perfect body here’s model and actor Joaquin Ferreira from Mexico, currently he is 83a558bbad496d5e790b74ec8f29267cworking on the exclusive series for Netflix “Club de Cuervos“ performing a sexy soccer player!!!

tumblr_nt1ormBc8M1usmbn0o1_1280tumblr_nswmr0DfEQ1rj7ak9o1_1280Netflix released its first Spanish language original series “Club de Cuervos.” The 13-episode show was produced by tumblr_nt1m36voz01sgb3gso1_540Alazraki Entertainment and filmed in various locations of Mexico. Directed by Gaz Alazraki, the series centers on a family feud among heirs of a soccer club after the owner’s death, and promises to offer a satirical and highly entertaining look into the world of professional “fútbol.”

Joaquín Ferreira joins the production as “El Potro,” and he is already giving the show’s fans a lot to talk about. Luis Gerardo Méndez, the series’ star and producer, recalls the moment when Ferreira walked into the audition room: “It was very clear that his character had to be the sex symbol that would have all the girls and gay boys attached to the TV screen, and when he walked into the room, he got it.”

tumblr_ntosp7UmCd1u82muio1_500And now you can see why! The Argentinian actor agreed to be completely naked for some of his scenes and well, let’s say this man is VERY well endowed. See it for yourself in the pictures below.


SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA59411_joaquin-ferreira

1393344661-7hzd1eqkSAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAFullSizeRender04FullSizeRender02joaquin-ferreira-naked-on-tv-tumblr_nsxheuR7Hg1s6f8eio1_500tumblr_nsxxwvacdt1tf9vu6o4_540joaquin-ferreira-exposed-cockFullSizeRender013798bc168450585b868694e42d974a9dSAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAjoaquin-ferreira-dick-nakedtumblr_nsxhd9HUmB1s6f8eio1_1280tumblr_nswmr0DfEQ1rj7ak9o1_1280tumblr_nswmrjO0Sn1rj7ak9o1_1280tumblr_nsxxwvacdt1tf9vu6o5_500tumblr_ntkdeusI0K1rltn2po1_1280tumblr_ntexybdAZI1thij0fo1_540tumblr_nt3l7zCKWH1rmfi0co1_1280FullSizeRenderNetflix_Netflix_Film_1280x720_000454_14_07tumblr_nt1m36voz01sgb3gso1_540

Anygay, here are some things you should know about this gorgeous Latino hunk:
1. He plays a football player on Netflix. 0I2ca8ej_400x400He’s also a football and rugby player in real life.
2. He loves animals. Joaquín-Ferreira-loves-dogsCheck him out hugging this dog.
3. Aside from acting, his other artistic pursuits include painting.Joaquín-Ferreira-painter Let’s check him out doing some artistic stuff.
4. He is a good roommate. He cleans the toilet in his boxers underwear. Joaquín-Ferreira-ropa-interior-boxer-shortsAnd, oh, he makes a good superhero too!
5. He’s got a nose ring! Is he the first mainstream celebrity to sport a nose ring? Joaquín-Ferreira-nose-ringHe’s got a nipple ring too. Our Joaquin is obviously a fan of body piercing.

He even has his own Youtube channel:

tumblr_nstfbgHQUO1qbsbeuo3_1280Are you enjoying these fine Celebrities showing it all and strutting their stuff ? Then please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram or Twitter.

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