Argentina Officially Recognizes Nonbinary People #PinkInOurLives

Argentina now officially recognizes nonbinary people. The country became the first in Latin America to allow citizens to mark their gender as X on their national identity documents.

President Alberto Fernández made the change by decree, according to The New York Times. It follows a recent law that he signed that allows one percent of Argentina’s public sector jobs to be reserved for trans people. The country’s congress approved the law in June.

“We have the need to expand our minds and realize that there are other ways to love and be loved and there are other identities besides the identity of man and the identity of woman,” Fernández said in a ceremony last Wednesday, according to the paper. He gave out the first three IDs with the nonbinary markers at the event. “And they must be respected.”

Several U.S. states allow for the marker. Other countries that have the marker include New Zealand, Canada, Malta, Nepal, Australia, and Pakistan.

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Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton, owner of  PINK IN OUR LIVES

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