ben-bowers-photos-004A SEXY BITE FROM OUR PINK WORLD

tumblr_mj08r06E8t1qzu0oio1_1280tumblr_nkm1oqMGiN1tlvx6ho1_540Ben Bowers is living in New York and born on the 28th of July.Ben-Bowers-by-photographer-Justin-Violini-08

tumblr_nh7wkuqOPu1qzcqino1_1280benjamine-bowers-afModel Benjamin Bowers worked at an Abercrombie & Fitch store from 2010, but he claimed that he was tumblr_mxkobq1tip1sf8a6jo1_r1_500flown to Mississippi in 2011 for a photo shoot and once there, a modeling agent suggested he take his clothes off and masturbate in order to achieve a more ‘relaxed’ look.

benjamine-bowers-shirtlessBen claims that during the photo shoot, Brian Hilburn told him the best way to appear relaxed on camera would be to take his clothes off and masturbate so the photographer could capture his expression immediately after achieving orgasm. Bowers did as asked and alleges that after he “took matters into his own hands,” Hillburn unzipped, exposed himself, and made comments about the comparative size of their penises.

0G60OVOtumblr_lo2h75k4LT1qh205go1_500Ben worked for many photographers and managements like Justin Violini, Christian Rios, Jeff Slater and Vision Models management.

tumblr_mj08q7HEeN1qzu0oio1_1280ben wowers tomorrowlandBrian celebrated two weeks ago his birthday in Belgium at the famous and well-known Festival Tomorrowland and mentioned on Facebook he had a great time!!! #CONGRATULATIONS11228505_1100883753259260_1105896315326851779_n

His belief is “Love Is My Religion”!!!

tumblr_no1nfhmKeY1r95ac1o1_500You can find more of him on Twitter:!/benkbowers and Facebook:

Enjoy our feast and appreciation for this great Hunk Of The Week: BEN BOWERS


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lesley07Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton


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