1428680092bbBroadway Bares will celebrate its 25th spectacular edition tn-500_screenshot2015-04-10at10.48.11am.jpg.pagespeed.ce.zlC4z7vWFFSGYEm9LXZZwith Broadway Bares: Top Bottoms of Burlesque this Sunday the 21st of June in NYC’s Hammerstein Ballroom!!! A show inspired by the golden age of Broadway, but with sexy and hot stripteases that benefits Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

slide_416788_5297386_freeThe show will welcome back to the director’s chair Jerry Mitchell, Bares’ two time Tony Award-winning creator and executive producer. Broadway Bares: Top Bottoms of Burlesque will be co-directed by Nick Kenkel, who also directed Broadway Bares: United Strips of America in 2013 and last year’s Broadway Bares: Rock Hard!!!slide_416788_5297384_freeIn a lavish and thrilling extravaganza, Broadway Bares: Top Bottoms of Burlesque will feature a cast of colorful characters for every desire and fantasy. Broadway’s iconic personalities, from devilish divas to charismatic casting directors, luscious lyricists to hunky stagehands, will combine the naughtiness of burlesque with the razzle-dazzle of Broadway. More than 150 of the hottest male and female dancers in New York City take to the stage for two sensational shows at 9:30 pm and midnight.

slide_416788_5297382_freetumblr_m0tkkgziJB1rryzbmo1_500The first Broadway Bares was presented in 1992 by Jerry bares2015-composers_444_592Mitchell and the company of The Will Rogers Follies at Splash bar. Eight dancers “in rotation” on the bar raised more than $8,000. Since then, the event has continuously performed to sell-out crowds in some of Manhattan’s largest clubs. To date, the 24 editions of Broadway Bares have raised more than $12.6 million for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

tumblr_nop8in032k1rrabouo7_1280broadwaybares25featA lot of things can happen in 25 years, but who would’ve thought that seven guys dancing on a bar bway-bares-3could grow into an annual event that has raised so much to help people living with HIV and AIDS,” Jerry said. “Broadway Bares has done that. And this year we’re going full out, maybe even with a top hat and our version of tails, ’cause if, baby, you’re a bottom, you’re the top.”


Mark McKillop
Mark McKillop

You can also support your favorite Broadway Bares performer like for instance top fundraisers Mark MacKillop11427207_839891809421596_8068527768457921532_n, Jon Cooper, Madeline Reed and ben ryan01Ben Ryan.

slide_434412_5672592_freeBen Ryan tells: “This is a very special year for me and my ongoing participation in Broadway Bares. For the dazzling burlesque show’s 25th anniversary, its founder, the great Jerry Mitchell, will return to the helm as director. And more personally, 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of my involvement in the HIV/AIDS cause. I started as a volunteer at the Northwest AIDS Foundation in Seattle in 1995, then worked as an HIV test counselor at Columbia during undergrad, and have been covering the disease as a journalist since 2001 (all while juggling the whole ballet thing)”.

slide_416788_5297374_freeben ryanI heard this is maybe your last year? “Yes, This may be my last year in the 11415598_10153079534073127_5087998322287444017_oshow—at the very least I intend to take a break for a while” he says. “This is a crucial time in the HIV epidemic, when we have come to realize that we have the tools to turn the corner and truly send the virus into the retreat. But such a battle doesn’t come cheap. So I encourage those of you who are more fortunate to give as generously as you can. Help make a difference in the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS and other critical illnesses nationwide. So I’m hoping you’ll join me in making this a truly lucky seventh year for me by adding big bucks to the cumulative $75,000 I’ve raised in my previous six years in Bares–my goal is to reach a grand total $80,000! “ #80KBares25

tn-500_screenshot2015-04-10at10.47.21am.jpg.pagespeed.ce.52s9AULer8HUXj5O_FqYtumblr_n7snadlUch1qiohboo3_400The presenting sponsor of Broadway Bares is M•A•C VIVA Glam and United Airlines. Your support makes a difference too and it is never a bad thing to watch gorgeous bare-naked bodies entertain you on stage, isn’t it? ;o)

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lesley07Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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