Celebrate Diversity this Pride with Mister B #Bproud #pinkinourlives

Celebrate Diversity this Pride with Mister B, because Our Community Needs it Now More than Ever!!!

At a time when hate crimes and queer discrimination runs rampant, it is necessary for our communities to come together to appreciate and celebrate our differences, because we are stronger together.

Mister B presents a Pride Campaign that celebrates the diverse individuals that make up our wonderful community: B PROUD!

Inspired by the colours of the Progress Pride Flag that represents the diversity of the broader queer community, Mister B presents a beautiful photo and video collection of 10 unique community members, the B PROUD Ambassadors, who share what Pride means to them. The B PROUD campaign posters can be found around the city of Amsterdam for two weeks around Amsterdam Pride season, from July 28 to August 11. But also in Antwerp till the 15th of August during Antwerp Pride.

So far in 2021, we’ve seen posters celebrating same-sex marriage in the Netherlands defaced, Pride flags torn down and burned in Georgia, LGBTQ hate crime bills blocked in Italy, a gay man was beaten to death in Spain, over a dozen queer and trans folks were murdered in Guatemala and the US is having a devastatingly, record-breaking year with more trans and gender non-conforming folks being murdered than ever before, most of whom were black and Latinx. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Never before has there been a need for our community to come together, appreciate, support each other and unite.

For this reason, Mister B has created a Pride campaign that celebrates the diversity that is our community. As a leading, queer fetish brand, it has become clear that there is a need to celebrate the uniqueness of everyone within the community in order to help bring our communities together.

As a proud black man, I want to be visible and vocal as an example to everyone that you don’t have to be afraid of being yourself. Follow your passion!” ;says Ambassador Alexander.

The queer community is not homogenous and with that not completely unified. There is still discrimination within our own groups like racism, transphobia, fat-shaming, ageism and more. The hate that has impacted us from the outside world makes its way into our queer spaces and further divides us. But it is through learning to appreciate our differences that we can value and support each other. When we support each other we become stronger, together. We must be strong to overcome the adversity that continues to harm and oppress our queer siblings around the world.

This collection of 10 fabulous and unique individuals is a celebration of the beauty of diversity. These are community members who have volunteered to be part of our campaign to show their pride in and enthusiasm for their uniqueness and are happy to celebrate it with each other. Each person has a unique perspective of what Pride means to them and shares it with hopes of it reaching and inspiring that person out there that doesn’t feel represented, heard or seen. This collection of messages is for them.

“Pride is about love and respect and better understanding ourselves and others. It’s about the freedom to be ourselves and standing up for those who need our support.”, ambassador Chris.

By sharing these messages of Pride with everyone, it can allow queer folks of all ages, races, genders that they exist, they are valued and they can be proud of who they are. It can show haters that no matter what they try to say or do, you can’t keep us down. We are Proud!

We are queer, we are here, get used to it.

Mister B is the leading European leather and fetish brand, providing kinksters with the best quality products and service since 1994. Made by and for the community, Mister B is your fetish specialist. Visit www.misterb.com for more.

Fill out your email address at www.pinkinourlives.com for more updates, news, stories, parties and more!!! DON’T SAY IT, BUT SPRAY IT!!!


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Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton, owner of  PINK IN OUR LIVES

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