
IMG_6650VIRGINS???  YES, there are still virgins, even in our scene and my two nice friends Karl and Dennis are ones. Not sexually (Look at those guys LOL), but regarding to the party scene of CIRCUIT. It was their first time and Karl Bowe will share his experience for my blog. You know that I can’t be everywhere at the same time with so many parties and  so many boys in the world. That is why I am glad that I have friends all over the world to share this with us all. Enjoy his story and pictures. I know you will love it!!! Have a big PINK CIRCUIT day!!! XOXO Lesley

Karl and his hubby Dennis
Karl and his hubby Dennis


circuit07After many years of seeing the photographs, the videos and hearing the amazing stories I had final made it to the world famous Barcelona Circuit Festival. Like most I had spent the time leading up to the vacation trying that bit harder in the gym and being stricter with my diet. After all the festival attracts thousands of gay men wearing speedos most of the time, I couldn’t wait. Landing and collecting your luggage, all you could see where groups of 5 or 6 handsome guys. I felt like a child the night before Christmas. Quick taxi ride and we were at our hotel (H10 Marina). Which was beautiful helped with a free upgrade to one of their suites. As our flight had changed we could grab a quick shower, deciding to wear our  colour ES trunks  and out of the door to get our wristbands.


Finding the NH Hotel (Circuit headquarters) was easy, and if you had any doubt the muscle bound promotional staff outside certainly proved you were in the right place. Getting the wristband was quick and easy. Then the goodie bag containing your official t-shirt, sweets, gym pass and what was to be known as our bible for the rest of our stay. The Circuit booklet (or Bible) was explained to us very well and it contained everything you needed to know about the festival. The bible told you in an easy way to get to the parties using the metro or you could get the bus, that would take you there and back for €5. It also had the cultural part of the festival. Art exhibitions, cinema screenings and also the sport activities that they provided. So already my mind was changed that this festival can be more than just a party, if you want it to be.


circuit09The first party we attended was Matinee Water Blast and what a great way to start my experience. Seeing friends from different parts of the world in one place. That place having a dance floor, pool and a bar all under the sun made it so special. Now was time to get down to my speedos. Like most I had heard stories of Circuit being filled with arrogant muscle Mary’s. So being a slimmer guy made me a bit nervous. Those nerves disappeared fast as I saw everyone was there to have a good time. Don’t get me wrong, there were the posers there, but there are posers everywhere. After the pool party came the evening party WE. Like any WE event they didn’t disappoint with the atmosphere and music. One complaint would be the air conditioning. Though only wearing  denim shorts the heat was incredible, but for my first day in Barcelona I went back to my hotel very happy.


A day at the beach followed. I had been to Barcelona many times before

together with friend DJ Soren Luka on the right
together with friend DJ Soren Luka on the right

and knew the beach wasn’t to write home about. Though seeing no sand and only flesh was very different. Finding a spot did at first seem like a mission impossible, but we did found one . The beach had an great atmosphere with the beach hut playing music and everyone catching up on the gossip from last night. Seeing the ES & Bim Bam Bum boys walking around was very pleasing to the eye and not only that informative. Telling you what was going to happen this evening.


circuit04For me Circuit had been and always been in my mind The Waterpark Party. I had seen many photos on Facebook. Watched the videos on YouTube, and listened to the stories of friends over brunch on how incredible it all was. So this party had a lot to live up to in my mind. Getting a locker was a bit confusing but after that it was time to hit the slides. Like most things on television or your laptop. The Waterpark was small than I had imagined, though there were enough slides and pools to make all the chicas & chicos happy. A quick interview with on what I was expecting and I was off. After a few sound problems at the start the party was pumping. What a party it was I have never experience anything like it and I was loving every second of it. The party finished with a firework display to he soundtrack of ‘I was her’, Beyonce. Was very fitting to how everyone was feeling. The Waterpark Party had lived up and beyond the expectations I had.

 Check out their cute video on facebook of the waterpark with this link: Circuit waterpark

riding a bike in barcelona
riding a bike in barcelona

A day of sight seeing of this beautiful city was needed. So we hired some bicycles

Parc Quell
Parc Quell

and off we went. Barcelona is architecturally stunning and the cycle paths mapped out were easy and safe to follow. You couldn’t get away from the fact though it was Circuit whether it will be a new friend you spotted or it were the huge posters, but getting away from it  didn’t. Though a night in the bars was in order. So after getting to the Alex Hotel to meet friends for a drink on the roof terrace, we were told sorry girls only between 9-11. At first disappointed, but then realised food was in order and return later. After a few Mojitos we decided to check Bim Bam Bum out as the promo boys had been on the beach everyday. It was great and as much fun as the big parties we had been too which in turn made it another late night/early morning.


As the week drew to an end I found my self flagged. We had circuit11given ourselves a limit of 4 parties and to experience the city, but we did 8. Not bad for a Circuit virgin, although not as close as to some of the hardcore party boys. I didn’t care though, cause I had had the time of my life. A little bit of advice to those who haven’t been and are thinking of going, attend the days parties. The night parties are fun, but the day parties have more of social able feel to them and dancing in a pool under the sun isn’t something you can do everywhere.


Though it took some time to recover when I got home (about a week) it was well worth it. My first Circuit was astounding and it won’t be my last. Follow this page please!!! Open the link and click on the like this button and who knows you maybe will be seeing more articles on here from me. Thank you and have a great Pink in our lives ;o)

 A total capture of an amazing experience and time: CIRCUIT FESTIVAL IN BARCELONA 2013

A total capture of an amazing experience and time: CIRCUIT FESTIVAL IN BARCELONA 2013

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