Club Red & Blue at Pink Monday 2016 #pinkbits #pinkinourlives


news_RoMa2012On Monday the 25th of July it is again the annual Pink Monday in Tilburg in The Netherlands. Every eec04cd54d15258763fd7f8f4a0e5de5-1413327102year there is a big carnival for three weeks and on that Monday the whole city will be PINK for our LGBT community with allies, LGBT people,  supporters and mostly party animals. It is one of the biggest Pink parties in Holland for more than 25 years.

flyerRM201610504889_810968675684209_1020061591864732042_oFor more than 15 years Red & Blue, the leading Gay club from Antwerp will be attending there again Roze maandag 2015 34_zpsqkfgerlsand they bring out all the stuff to have a party like you can only find in the real Red & Blue in Antwerp/Belgium. They will treat the PINK party people to big party in Club Epic like always with drags, GoGo dancers and great music.

Roze Maandag ~ 02-06-201502In club Epic resident DJ of the Red & Blue Thomas M. will give you the necessary #EAR”gasmes on and 1437135173_tilburgsekermis_2015around the dancefloor. He will be not there alone, but the complete entertainment team with dancers and dragqueens will make sure that you have a great time like every year!!!


Drukte_op_Roze_Maandag_(foto_Monique_de_Ridder)At the Heuvel ring 116 in Tilburg in the middle of the PINK Carnival the terrace will open in the afternoon rozemaandagheaderfor some refreshing drinks and then the Red & Blue party will start at 21.00 till 04.00 AM. They always start the party early, so be on time!!!

11224394_810970049017405_8537548133596266810_o11202877_810968815684195_2587010615549438716_oCheck out there Facebook page for more IMG_9615-1024x682information and like and share the event and who know….Maybe you will the free entrance tickets or a stay in a hotel. Will that no be a perfect ending after a great hot night!!!

rozemaandagheader1-630x35411698856_810970959017314_6884457894835286783_nPlease follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr

Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton


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