Coming out made Pablo Alboran Instagay #PinkInOurLives

Spanish pop star Pablo Alborán made international headlines when he surprised everyone by coming out as gay.

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The 31-year-old singer, best known for Spanish-language tunes “Solamente Tú,” “Dónde está el Amor,” and “Por Fin,” made the announcement to commemorate pride month in a video posted to Instagram.

“Today, I want my voice to be louder and for it to have more value and weight,” Alborán told his 5.7 million followers in June. “I’m here to tell you that I am homosexual and it’s OK. Life goes on, everything will remain the same, but I’m going to be a little happier than I already am.”

Alborán’s Instagram page had been relatively tame before his coming out. It was mostly tasteful, PG-rated photos of himself working in the studio, performing on stage, or hanging out with his dog, with the occasional (very occasional) shirtless thirst trap.

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Since then, however, Alborán has fully embraced his identity–and his sex appeal–by becoming a bona fide Instagay. We love seeing him be his authentic self… almost as much as we love seeing him in a swimsuit!

Enjoy the thirst!!!
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On this International Youth Day, it is important for us to speak up for our freedom, equality, dignity, and the rights of our future generations. I stand with The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and believe everyone should be treated as equal without distinction of race, colour, sex, language, religion, or status. Equality is a human right, not an option. Change has to start at the very basis through the education of our next generations. We must teach the values of tolerance and respect, avoiding stereotypes. Those are the foundations upon which a caring society is built.  #StandUp4HumanRights with me and @UnitedNationsHumanRights. #TheWorldIsInOurHands Photo by @JustinWu  En este Día Internacional de la Juventud, es importante que alcemos la voz por nuestra libertad, igualdad, dignidad y los derechos de nuestras futuras generaciones. Yo apoyo la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y creo firmemente que todas las personas deberían ser tratadas como iguales sin distinción de raza, color, género, idioma, religión o estatus. La igualdad es un derecho humano, no una opción. El cambio tiene que empezar en la base, mediante la educación de nuestras siguientes generaciones. Debemos enseñar los valores de la tolerancia y el respeto, evitando estereotipos. Estos son los fundamentos sobre los que se construye una sociedad más empática. #DefiendeLosDerechosHumanos conmigo y @UnitedNationsHumanRights. #ElMundoEstáEnNuestrasManos Foto por @JustinWu Campaign by @thekrimgroup

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Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton, owner of  PINK IN OUR LIVES

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