Flight Attendent and one of Rupaul’s Drag Race Pit Crew members Nick Stracener got just engaged. His boyfriend for the last two years CX Flynn surprised him on Times Square New York.

Flynn got on his knees and asked Nick on Times Square. Nick didn’t expected this and let his water bottle drop immediately out of his hands and he was so surprised. Off course he said YES!!! Congrats guys!!! ??????

Nick is foremost a flight attendant for many years now, but he became a Pit Crew Member a few years ago and is good friends with Drag Race Superstar Alyssa Edwards.

Nick is also Nationally Qualified Men’s Physique and has won two trophy’s last year for his first time entering a competition like that. ? ?

He has been an Andrew Christian model as well for many other companies like Underwear Expert and ES Collection. He also starred in a few scenes of Teen Wolf.

Both guys have been insecure of their body through the years, especially Flynn, because he has diabetics type 1. But because of their support to each other and setting their goals together they have accomplished through the years a beautiful physique. This resulted also with a beautiful photoshoot together with photographer Jay Fuertez.

Both guys are living in Dallas together and like every relationship they had their ups and downs, but they fought for their relation and made it work. This results to a nice proposal yesterday and hopefully to a beautiful wedding soon. Date still has to be announced.

Check out their instagrams for more pics

or https://www.instagram.com/flynncx/

or follow OnlyFans: www.onlyfans.com/nick_stracener

Congratulations guys and we wish you all the best of love and luck together. Such a sweet and good looking couple together. ?? ?

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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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