After months of preparation and hard working by the competing Showqueens and organization, the finale from
Showqueen Awards 2016 got on the night of the 5th of June to its ultimate climax.
None in the least every ingredient for a wonderful night to happen was there and so it did!

While entering the ALM Hall in Berchem the expectations was as high, as the hair piled up on top of the Showqueens heads. So did the enormous gowns and fabulous Sparkling jewelry. The smell of the ancient Avon and 80-ies Coco Chanel, mixed with Elnett helmet fixation hairspray. Nothing was left to the imagination, even fur coats came in with the legs and heads still attached on it!
This will surely be a SOLD OUT Night to remember honeys.
Miss Selina Pearl entered the hall, carried by very muscular oiled hunky and sexy men. Seated on a Egyptian chair, like the Queen Cleopatra in Gold. Her statement was made! And seeing the gown, she carries the world on her enormous Golden Shoulder pads.
The night was split up in performances and presenting the awards that could be won with a very (Eurovision 2016!!!!) computer voting system, before in a monthly promoting for several ambassadors, parties, Showqueen events , Showqueen groups and new awards.
Performances of the night started with the best Look-a-Like competition between La Plume in a German version from Sissi, who I must say looked similar with the German performances as recently played.
Battling Death in her grace as Queen Sissi. (A battle she lost, in real life!)
On the other hand was the very sexy (So Bombshell) in metal fringes outfit, Lexotica versus Cher 2016, being lifted by her sexy dancers while ending her act.
A version in which she won the Award for Look-a-Like.
Next chapter was the New Comer of the Year.
In where we could see Lola McQueen channel her inner Magical Madonna.
Being coached by Tchooky and Sinerjey, we could expect HUGE show spectacle ….well, our expectations were honored. Lex, alter ego Lola, was projected on the 2 walls behind her preaching sign language.
Messaging communication, acceptance and awareness. Music, being gay and deaf. In a split second McQueen flying across the stage, on the tunes of Music by Madonna. “Lady Gaga told me I was born this way, Madonna told me to Express Myself, and Christina Aguilera told me I was Beautiful!” Ending the song with in Rainbow risen toned UP outfit and flying the Flag for Gay Rights. Outstanding banging and spreading her message!
Going from one Queen to another standing alone in the crowd, surrounded by candles .
Snake skin golden layered, each particle strassed, with a semi dark song “I’m Alive” by Sia….her name Sammy Jo. Even with a snake (worn like) crown, on her head, she seemed to be the Doomed Queen of the Damned “Aaliyah”. But when the dancers unpeeled her, she graced Golden and shining, every inch on the stage. One of the favorites this night, hearing the responding from the audience! This could be the NEW Future Miss Dragqueen Belgium. (Amazing body presence!)
Then there were the Mystica Sisters. But seriously Youna Mystica Stratton and Brooklyn Stone could be twins.
Both impeccable maquillages and petite girly gurlssss!
That was the only resemblance. In style performance Youna build up with her strongest talent, a ballad, a homage to Prince “Purple Rain”. Disrobing into a skimpy little dress and dancing on “Play that Sax”….Yesss. Dancing synchronic with the sexy Stardancers.
Brooklyn choose for her act a Joan Julian classic…”Brand New” day, with a little veiled dress, and enormous heels. Must
say within her still being so young, there is already a lot of Queen-ism and guts to perform!
Making love gestures on the dancers body and being in control. She actually gave the angry eye to one of the dancers, when slipping over her tray….just a sec, but she did. That’s also being in charge, and ruling darling! You’ll get there, don’t worry.
Winner in this category became Miss Sammy Jo.
Who also took the prizes for Best Costume, Public favorite and Best Make up!
And Lola McQueen awarded with Best Choreography , that was well-deserved!
Special Queen Performance wearing her white laced gown, Tiara and ribbon for MTB 2016 with grace. Dina Delvaux! After her performance on the classic “You raise me up….” A few darlings in the audience, were crying their Velpon glued lashes, OFF to the floor!
Comical act was presented by Duchi Davoj who brought her little niece Baboushka as a gadget, and scenery. It became a duo act, since the timing of the two “friends” Queens.
Lady Godiva performed a 30-ies style lip-sync act, from a Flemish role-play.
Duchi Davoj won this Award.
Free act, in where the Showqueen can display the full enchilada, of her talent, skills and capacity!
Starting off with Lady Infinity, who lip-synced her way in her layered baby blue gown, on the beats from Eurovision song Ira Losco…Walk on water, that she did. And stayed in this moment.
Then came Que Pasa Princess La Tash. One day before drama happened for this Queen, she tripped and fell, what placed her at the hospital with a cracked knee…..(don’t get in the medical stuff here, no make-up can cover up a crack, right!) After a long Nightly talk with Selina Pearl, she didn’t want to disappoint her fans and the organization. Respect for La Tash, as while performing she “lived” the pain of the song and words. Dramatic facial expression and all. Huge applauding by the audience, standing ovations. Not forget to mention the loud howling!
Can I say, save the best for last…MTA 2015 Miss Pamela Barnes, flaming Red and passionate as she is.
La Passione from Dame Shirley Bassey.
She stood centre piece on the stage, posing, giving face and charisma. Her trademarks! Queened UP the act with unfolding a strassed UP round tail, as she stood in the light, making her stamina even more Majestic.
And yes, Miss Barnes WON the Award for Free act.
Concluding this part of the Showqueen Awards.
Lets get back to the computer voting!
Personality Queen 2016 won by Zsa Zsa Lamor. (Uber Maskara Showqueen Icon, accepting her Award “third time in a row” with a HILARIOUS speech like no other! Delivering it like NO other!)
Favorite group 2016 won by The Shining Divas. (Maskara Queens!)
Gay Ambassador 2016 won by Jani Kazaltsis. (Where was he, who was he re-styling that night?) Best Gay Event 2016 won by Studio 54. (Queen Zsa Zsa taking the honors for Mr Ludo himself!)
Golden Pearl Award 2016 for Lifetime Achievement won by Miss Michelle. (Leading Lady Les Folles de Gand!)

Last but not least, a special word for Sacha Ryan.
She won for the first time ever in Showqueen Award History, Transgender 2016.
Accepting her Award not for herself. But with a personal statement/message for aid agencies who helped her in time of need from day one. Rainbow House Limburg, “Anders Gewoon”.
Sacha kept her message as she is, natural, open minded and honest. Huge Respect darling!
Ending the night with the last announcement to be made!
Who’ll become Showqueen 2016?
Selina Pearl in her stunning gown graces into the light as she opened the envelope.
(One could see her eyes, and she smiles…)
“Within the eyes of the judges, this Queen showed off endurance, intensity, and above all entertainment….and that doesn’t mean drums and trumpets in the first place… Showqueen 2016….La Tash!!!!!” The audience exploded in applause and La Tash herself didn’t know what hit her!
Well you got the title not just by good luck, that’s for sure. But despite of one judge ….from what I’ve heard…. the other judges were unanimous, on your Name!
Congratulations La Tash.
Looking back on this unexpected but most of all exciting evening, what can I say.
To take Showqueen Awards back from the shelve, re-Queening this concept into version2016…Congratulations on the achievement so far. Mission accomplished.
It was the first in hopefully more to come after this one! The first to learn what was perfect, what was good, and perhaps what could be different or change, but it’s always a First. “Like a Virgin!”In the hall there were noises of some Showqueens, “Next year, I’ll be there…” That gives hope for next 2017!!!!!! Must say for me the completion was diverse and everybody had something special.
For the young new comers….I say keep it coming, talent in the extreme. (Go beyond the comfort zone.)
For the routenier and statement Queens, you gave what you got, statement, and saved the best for last. There was no hissing and booing from the audience…and I’m sure friendships were made during the run for Gold in this period.
LGTB Team Pink In Our Lives wishes La Tash congratulations with her title and the organization of the Showqueen Awards all the best for 2017!

Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr
Big kiss,
Team Pink In Our Lives; Christiaan and Lesley Xxx
(Special word of thanx, for Showqueen Photographers Yasmine Couffez and Geert De Weser, for the amazing pics!)