GAG ON IT AND THIS TIME YOU HAVE TO!!! #pinkbits #pinkinourlives



Gays Against Guns (GAG) to Storm Fire Island this Sunday to Set Stage for Fall Campaign!!!

13524523_1793904887507797_7466510531498929013_nTomorrow on the 3rd of July the new activist organization Gays Against Guns (GAG) will be out in force on Fire Island in New York to drum up support, including a re-creation of its moving white-veiled tribute to Orlando victims on the beaches and boardwalks of the Pines and Cherry Grove.

13532935_1795072610724358_5089371231651786954_n13495290_1791640297734256_3238517173607623376_nFrom 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. 100 members of Gays Against Guns, the new direct-action group fighting for an 13576878_1795531804011772_2474613553165499051_oassault-weapons ban and other gun-control laws, will be present on the LGBTQ summer havens of the Fire Island Pines and Cherry Grove. The group will have tables in the commercial hearts of both the Pines and Cherry Grove all day. In addition, the group will restage its white-veiled tribute to the 49 LGBTQ victims of the Orlando Pulse massacre.

13466325_1793614784203474_8348589010005946190_n13512077_1793905147507771_3269896055264818739_nAt 1 p.m., 49 ghostly figures will solemnly walk the length of Pines beach at the height of sunning hours, 13516481_10154322981149936_335707748832491991_nthen, at 6pm, will walk the boardwalk from Cherry Grove to the Pines, to stand silently before throngs of dancing revelers at the Pines’ traditional nightly “low tea” bash–a reminder that the Orlando victims were also merely dancing and having fun when they were shot down by a civilian with an assault weapon.

13521988_1794004734164479_6624546971928021891_n13466360_1793036920927927_3610114494500930548_nLast week on Sunday at the Pride in New York City 750 GAG members enjoined tens of thousands of onlookers to join 13528847_1793905294174423_5417408598559868068_nthem in the chants, “Hey hey, ho ho, the NRA has got to go!” and, often, the blunter “FUCK THE NRA!” Said GAG cofounder Kevin Hertzog. “The reception we got at Pride was so overwhelming, we all canceled our July 4 plans to come out swinging and build our base and our budget while the iron is hot. We’re working on a campaign that may begin as soon as this weekend and we want to loop thousands more in before the anger and grief from Orlando wanes and we get complacent before the inevitable next AR-15 massacre.”

13532790_264190943944395_565240918330081108_n13439105_1793905090841110_529795757446108974_nIt is time that they stood up in America against guns and weapons being sold so easily. We 13501694_1793905254174427_1792998343247513181_nheard that an Orlando gun shop is going to raffle off an AR-15 to raise money for the Orlando 49’s survivors. Does it get any more fucked-up than that?”

Join GAG tomorrow on Fire Island and join their Facebook page:

gag3Queer complacency is over. “”Gays Against Guns” call for a ban on assault weapons and sensible gun regulation. Don’t let these 49 siblings’ death be in vain and show your support. “LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE” + LOVE IS ACTION!!! Their website is

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Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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