A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com
In 2014 Pink In our Lives reviewed the major Belgium concert debut from Dutch musician Glennis Grace. It was a magical event for her fans, and also myself! (Being fan from the early years of her career.) Glennis Grace, our Dutch pride and a Gay Icon in the EXTREME! This year Glennis her latest disc “Bitter Sweet”
was released, capturing several new Dutch songs and a coverage from her live concert tour. (Which she did again in 2015 with her amazing band) The disc is a great disc and MUST BUY!

So the story goes for years, Glennis being a hard working wonderful musician and singing like a gem. Belting her way through Holland and beyond! Loved, lifted and adored by her fans.
Still….the international career across the sea, never came a head. It was never THE moment!
Although, people remembered her and invited her again in Holland and Belgium.
(Anne Music Award, Sing a long cover shows, The Rainbow Awards where she got awarded for best female singer… etc.) Friends, fans kept visiting her concerts and buying discs, so it seemed her career wasn’t change and very much okay. Even Tony Sweet, Host of On Air With Tony Sweet on www.UBNRadio.com interviewed her in May 2014 and thinks she is an amazing singer that should be on the US Charts.
BUT……as the fairytale says in Cinderella…..”when you wish upon a Star, your dreams come true..!”
And so it happened. (Our wishing for Glennis came TRUE!)
Glennis accompanied her Boyfriend drummer Robert Biesewig and his band when they went to Los Angeles. Just for fun. In Los Angeles she was not known and could do what she does amazing….make music, just relax a bit and enjoy her time there. Before she jumped on the plane and went there Corey Spears
, also a overseas FB fan from Glennis said he would arrange a few “gigs” for her……! What continued to the club from Sheila E
“The E Spot!” who she worked with, in Holland and Belgium for the female group
“The Ladies of Soul.”

On that special night, Mervyn Warren and Walter Afanasieff were also in the club when she

performed. In a blink of an eye she noticed them, and what occurred was that when she belted the Mariah Carey song “Hero”, a tear fell of the cheek from Walter. (Walter being known for his producing on all the hits from Mariah Carrey, but also Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Barbra Streisand
etc.) The moment, no THAT moment was magical. After the “gig” Glennis shook hands with these two guys, and magic seems to happen so far! Both of them were interested in her, a lot! Glennis went back to Los Angeles this month of October writing music, producing a new album and working with both of them.
Not much official information has been shown yet, only coverage from the night that Glennis, Mervyn Warren and Walter Afenesieff met at the E Spot. (Glennis singing covers and a capella from Whitney Houston
, Rihanna etc.) And a clips from the live performances she did in October.
What was GREAT! This seems to be the start of what Glennis and we all have been waiting for. A deserved International career.
What will help Glennis to become very much international is singing the Soundtrack for the American hit series “Empire” named Conqueror for Fox
TV. Where she was asked for!
Glennis being a conqueror herself sings like a million stars above and beyond, killing all the belting notes. (When seeing the official clip you’ll notice her fabulous energy, when singing live but also recorded.)
For a extra promotion stunt Glennis Grace gave a one moment live Acoustic incognito song experience, for her most loved fans, on the tram in Amsterdam. No music, no tape just Glennis, came on the carriage, looking like just a girl singing Conqueror, but being not “just’ Glennis….and BEING a true Conqueror, she gave everything and even unleashed tears with her fans and few passengers. This clip went VIRAL on the internet!!!!! Awesome. The official release was a appearance on RTL Late Night, with Umberto Tan.
As seen in the clip attached in this Pink Bites. It was seen by thousands of people on TV and shared on Social Media etc!
Team Pink in Our Lives but also myself included, wishing Glennis Grace, our Queen G., a lot of good luck and fun with her start from her International Career. Glennis you deserve the world!
Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram or Twitter.
Many kisses!
Lesley Middleton & Christiaan D’Hooghe.