Guy comes out as gay on the straight dating show FBoy Island #PinkInOurLives #PinkPress #GailyNews

Guy comes out as gay on the straight dating show FBoy Island

A male contestant on the chaotic dating show FBOY Island Australia has come out as gay to his female suitors during the show in an unexpected twist. The extremely heterosexual dating show, hosted by Abbie Chatfield in Australia, follows three women and 24 men. The women have to try and figure out whether the group of men they’re on the island with are so-called “Nice Guys” or “FBOYs”.

But they have to be careful: at the end of the series there’s a lot of money riding on whether the women ultimately choose Nice Guys, with whom they can split the prize money, or FBoys. In season two episode five Abbie gives the women a laptop to do a good old fashioned social media stalk.

They found one of the intruders, Nathan, has 41,000 followers on TikTok. But everyone was baffled when Nathan’s account was brimming with rainbow flags, LGBTQIA+ hashtags, and jokes about women being disappointed and he’s not into them.

Nathan tried to convince the women he was “100% straight”, but later admitted to Nicole he was “a gay FBoy” and made her a deal. If she let him stay on the show, he could act as a mole to help the ladies detect which of the other men were FBoys.

FBoy Island is a show about lying and chaos and the twist was a big one. Nathan explained that he was scouted for FBoy Island Australia on social media.

“I was approached by one of the producers on TikTok or Instagram. I definitely didn’t apply for the show,”  he laughs. “There was a lot of doubt, especially being the first gay man on a straight dating show. But I just thought life’s too short, have some fun. You don’t know what comes from things like this, so taking opportunities like this is once in a lifetime.”

Nathan works as an electrician and says he’s used to being “surrounded by straight guys all the time” and tried to fly under the radar. “The plan was just to be as low-key as possible because obviously I couldn’t really be my true self,”  he says. “I honestly don’t have too many guy friends. I have a lot of girlfriends. Fitting into that scene in the resort with all the guys was pretty chill. It wasn’t too daunting, I was pretty calm and collected. I was always asked by producers, like, ‘Are you uncomfortable? Is this okay?’. Everything was chill.”

Nathan also explained that he didn’t try and clean his social media before going on the show. The social media stalk session happened last season, but Nathan didn’t see it. “Originally, they told me to remove some things from social media. But then leading up to going onto the show they said, ‘Oh no don’t worry about it’,”  he said. “I didn’t watch the previous season up to where the social media laptop came out. So when Abbie walked in with the laptop, my heart just sank.”

Nathan teases that viewers will have to stay tuned to see how his “gay best friend” arc unfolds. “If I could get the girls to find someone that potentially is a ‘Nice Guy’ and then fall in love, walk off the show and have them split the $25,000 each at the end, that would have been something more monumental to me than anything else,”  he said. “You’ve got to stay tuned for the rest of the show. But there’s a lot of drama, twists, turns and a lot more to come.”

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