HUNG GLADIATOR DAVID MCINTOSH #nakedcelebs #pinkinourlives

tumblr_ndaafvfCH41rika5ao5_400A NUDE BITE FOR OUR PINK WORLD

0c05f749828d801fdb2c8c96fd29179cdavid-mcintosh-michael-stokes-mondo-di-musica-05David McIntosh (born 10 December 1985) is a British ex-military and security operative who tumblr_nhojno3bs41td4s2no1_500became a television personality, actor, and fitness model. A former Royal Marines commando, he was a Gladiator on the Sky 1 TV series Gladiators, under the name Tornado. In 2014, he participated in Celebrity Big Brother UK 14.

tumblr_npmzywOD6G1u7dqybo6_540tumblr_m50whcqZ6F1qe81syo1_1280McIntosh appeared in different magazines, newspapers and television shows among fitness magazine david-mcintosh-nude-1“Muscle & Fitness”maxresdefault & “Krave fit” and a double spread in Essence Magazine. He appeared in the Jennifer Hudson music video “Walk It Out” and the Nicki Minaj music video “Anaconda”.

David-McIntosh-King-David-Brian-Taylor-JohnsonBurbujas-De-Deseo-01-534x800At the end of 2013 he released the “King David Mcintosh” 2014tumblr_mxtidxJrW01t8ophvo1_1280 calendar photographed by Maya Guez that received many press notifications and was a best seller in the USA. David also released a line of popular training programs.

tumblr_ndaafvfCH41rika5ao3_540original01In 2014 David went on tour of events hosting, appearances and calendar signings worldwide and david1began writing a monthly fitness column in “LOADED” magazine. After closing a deal to join the cast of the hit show “Celebrity Big Brother” David McIntosh entered the “Celebrity Big Brother UK” house in August 2014.

david-mcintosh-2David Mcintosh is the epitome of a real life action hero, proficient in Martial Arts and combat warfare he is capable of doing many stunts and physically demanding roles in front of the camera.

03tumblr_n4hvscQpLO1qbz1afo8_250Follow David on:

tumblr_n7qw3tmkBw1ql8atfo3_1280Screen-Shot-2015-10-02-at-1.24.37-PMdavid-mcintosh-for-huf-magazine-exclusive-4802700b6fc0f58b5d602a1f5960f6355tumblr_ndaafvfCH41rika5ao4_400163cd192d67472b37d7f10df99d0523501493e25881bfda7832c04da0a62f3dc5eDavid-Mcintosh-02CQjWqUcVEAQ8fBUCPOVSNzUwAAYbNoDAVIDMCINTOSH4david7david-mcintosh3David Mcintosh (3)DavidMcIntosh165v07david-mcintosh17Screen-Shot-2015-10-02-at-1.24.25-PMScreen-Shot-2015-10-02-at-1.24.46-PMDavid-McIntosh-Naked-02

Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram or Twitter. Thanks to Michael Stokes for some of the great pictures of David that we can share. Follow Michael here:

11051826_1609229945964331_1865886962726591647_nBig kiss,

Lesley Middleton


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