LONDON PRIDE 2015 #pinkbits


2014Parade4This week is LONDON PRIDE with amazing stuff for you to experience and participate in!!!

londonEvents at London Pride that you can enjoy are:

#OUTCOME PHOTO EXHIBITION, THE MACHINE (A play exploring what it means to be gay in 2015), RENT BOY: THE MUSICALrentboy, GAY OUTDOOR CLUB PRIDE WALK,TRAFALGAR SQUAREtrafalgar-400x185, PROUDWOMENWoman-in-parade-400x226 (ProudWomen organise a range of events in the weeks up to Pride in London and on the day, including quiz nights, comedy and live music sessions, and the official women’s after party), SOUND OF MUSIC SING-ALONG PARTY, MAGIC MAVERICK GENDER IDENTITY WORKSHOP (A workshop exploring gender identity, for children and parents), PRIDE PARTY AT L’ESCARGOT, GOLDEN SQUARE FAMILY AREA10515329_956987184327535_7067289348727633356_o-400x266 and off course THE BIG PRIDE IN LONDON PARADEsoho2014-400x267 (One of the world’s biggest LGBT+ parades sees more than 30,000 people take part and hundreds of thousands of spectators).


heroesParade Theme 2015: Pride Heroes
Pride in London is at its best when it properly represents the community it serves. That’s why they asked what you thought the theme should be for this year’s Parade. Pride Heroes unites all the suggestions we received in a celebration of the people – and organisations – who’ve contributed to LGBT+ rights over the years. It might be someone from your workplace, someone mythical like BatWoman, or someone who’s less well-known but who’s important to your group. Whoever it is, the Pride Heroes theme allows you to celebrate them for what they mean to you.

GAY PRIDE - GOING OUT GUIDEclickPride in London provides a platform for every part of London’s3cf6bfb9-5742-4cc1-b6f3-f77b580bcd90 LGBT+ community to raise awareness of issues concerning LGBT+ people and campaign for the freedoms that will allow them to live their lives on a genuinely equal footing with straight friends, family, neighbours and colleagues. The annual Pride in London Parade through the heart of the West End gives the community visibility and a chance to speak loudly to the rest of the city about what they have achieved, how far they have come and the support that they need in order to continue this progress.

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lesley07Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton



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