Love Island USA recently introduced a new bachelor, Noah Purvis, to its audiences. The 24-year-old made his debut on the show on September 18, just when the cast of Love Island was reeling over the loss of four islanders. Purvis seemed to be the man with a plan as he had his eyes on Moira from the get-go. Noah swept Moira and all the Love Island fans off their feet in the first date itself. However, fans of the show were shocked when Noah disappeared after a couple of episodes.

He is a 24-year-old home healthcare provider currently pursuing his credentials in massage therapy. Noah Purvis is originally from St. Louis, Missouri. From his Instagram handle, it is clear that this southern gentleman spends a lot of time in bodybuilding.
He also makes comedy videos for his YouTube channel, which has over 10 thousand subscribers. 24-year-old Noah Purvis is also the brand ambassador for personal training app Fitplan.

But he is also known as Ethan for the GayPorn site “Corbin Fisher” – had recorded scenes as recent as one month prior to filming “Love Island”. CBS executives eventually learned of Purvis’ videos and “immediately removed him from the show.”

And it was like if he wasn’t even there. Suddenly viewers noticed that they could not find him on the show. Pretty hypocrite as he did gay and straight scenes in the pornbiz and we would not be surprised if any other candidates did some work in the past, but because he did gayporn, they removed him immediately from the show.

Noah has not publicly commented on the situation yet, but while Noah has remained silent about the controversy, Corbin Fisher took the opportunity to speak out in his defense. The studio released a statement about the model’s removal from the show and shamed CBS for rejecting him because of his porn career.

“CBS kicking Noah off (Love Island) is their loss, and I hope a show premised on fabricating/sabotaging/manipulating/sensationalizing relationships isn’t pretending they have some moral or ethical justification,” the studio tweeted.

Most reality stars create or have onlyfans accounts, so what is the problem? Incidents like these are why we need to work towards ending the stigma that comes with sex work. These people have feelings and they’re providing a need many have. Prudish values shouldn’t be an excuse for hypocritical behavior that hurts others. We should normalize this segment of society so that porn actors and viewers alike don’t feel the shame that comes with it.
If people don’t like porn or sex work in general, they shouldn’t pay attention to it. It’s that simple. Shaming others because they don’t fit in with one way of life isn’t the way to go. So many who speak out against sex work claim porn actors are being objectified and disrespected. Has it ever occurred to them that maybe shaming adults for their career choice is also a form of disrespect?

Sex workers are human beings, many of whom enjoy the job they’ve chosen. We shouldn’t stand in judgment of others. If there’s any bright spot in this for Purvis, it’s that Corbin Fisher tweeted a public show of support for him. Let’s hope that CBS and others learn from this mistake and do things differently going forward.

Sex work is work. It’s that simple.
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Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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