MISTER GAY FLANDERS 2016 #pinkbits

11868887_10153527427786085_1691384115_nA BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com

11880330_10153538430866085_1541896699_nSeveral months ago, the 21-year-old Barber Skelte Willems elected Mister Gay Flanders 11351180_10206618994931074_7484599738175413656_n2015. But between 19 and 23 April 2016 he will get the chance to compete for the title of Mr. Gay World. The world-election will this year take place in the sun-drenched Malta.

Malta has also made much progress in recent months for LGBT people. LGBT couples can marry there now and you should have no medical intervention carried out anymore, if you want to change your gender on identity documents.

11110977_426513394187255_2675559355825029093_oWHO WILL BE MISTER GAY FLANDERS 2015?

Like the last three years MGV organizers has given the starting shot of the ‘ Search Today’- campaign on the Antwerp Pride and they have given the chance again to sign in for the competition. Because from the end of January 2016 there will be again 12 finalists competing for the title of Mister Gay Flanders.

Winnaar Skelte Willems
Winnaar Skelte Willems

Over the past 3 years the organization will be looking again for the perfect personification of a beautiful, articulate and stylish Mister.

Bram Bierkens en Ivan Denis
Bram Bierkens en Ivan Denis

Bram Bierkens and his partner Ivan Denis believe that the Mister Gay Flanders election, 11760132_900275420044071_7989445824454053713_nby just being a bit different, can make an important and responsible difference for and inside a world, where there are in the areas of LGBT rights is still a lot of work to be done.

In addition, the election for each participant will be a learning experience out there focused on finding a positive and integer spokesman, Ambassador of and for the LGBT community. They will be supervised periodically during their campaign by various professional coaches.

11080649_396289320542996_3199507601985754005_olesley en skelteFor who will follow Skelte Willems in his footsteps in 2016, we have to wait a little longer, but introducing yourself and becoming a candidate is already possible!!!IMG_0035

Interested? Surf to the website of www.mistergayvlaanderen.be or send your details to inschrijving@mistergayvlaanderen.be

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lesley07Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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