As promised Pink In Our Lives will present the twelve candidates for Mister Gay Flanders 2015 in random order. As you could see on the press conference @ Red Star Line Museum (See article: )there is a lot of diversity between the contestants and we are definitely looking forward to see who win the title and taking over the reign for a whole year from current title holder Willem Joris on the 30th of May 2015.
Every candidate got 5 questions from us to answer and you decide who you would love to win this year!!! Bart Bruyninckx is the first to start this series and he is 24 years old and living in Deurne. He works as a social-cultural worker and he came out of the closet since 2011.
Hi Bart,
Why did you enter this competition and what do you want to
achieve, when you become Mister Gay Flanders 2015?
“I want to focus on (gay) men and transgender people in prostitution. By working with this target group as an intern for social worker, I know that this is a topic that’s still being stigmatized. Many escorts can’t speak openly about their work because of the negative reactions, discrimination in the job and housing market, or the chance to be fined for undeclared work. Because of this, many escorts stay low profile and are hard to reach. This makes it very difficult to give them any help, STD/HIV prevention or regularization of the job”.
What makes you different from the other 11 candidates?
“For the moment I don’t know the other candidates very well. But I know myself. I am an active volunteer within the Antwerp LGBT- community. From helping around in “Het Roze Huis – Cavaria Antwerp”, to going to schools and talk with students about LGBT-topics with the Youth Association “Enig Verschil”. And, I would love to work in the LGBT society in the future!”.
If you can compare yourself to an animal, what would you be and why?
“A Doberman!!! Because this breed of dog, despite his reputation, gives a lot of affection, is protective and very active”.
Which person do you think is HOT/CUTE and would you
love to get under the sheets with?
“Not easy to choose someone, but if I would get the chance….Colin O’Donoghue”. Why? “Great accent, sexy role in television series “Once upon a time” and he has a “rough”, but charismatic look”.
What would you like to change in our LGBT-community and how would you like to accomplish that?
“I wouldn’t change much within the community itself. The only thing that bothers me sometimes, is that people don’t always consciously practice safe (and in my opinion also more fun) sex. How to accomplish this? Continuing to raise awareness and informing the public on many different levels. From individually, as well as in the various groups and associations in this big community. Because we are all connected with each other and have to work together”.
Thank you for your answers Bart and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv:

May the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Ivo Gautier , René Emmerink, Kurt and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates. Find out more about these candidates at or follow
Have a PINK day and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram!!! Big kiss Lesley Middleton