JENS1960916_1511484935738833_4278095932766452274_oAs promised Pink In Our Lives will present the twelve candidates for Mister Gay Flanders 2015 in random order. As you 10915248_650983391677153_3647928947088341360_ncould see on the press conference @ Red Star Line Museum (See article: http://pinkinourlives.com/2015/02/14/press-conference-mister-gay-flanders-2015/ ) there is a lot of diversity between the contestants and we are definitely looking forward to see who win the title and taking over the reign for a whole year from current title holder Willem Joris on the 30th of May 2015.

1625486_667945963314229_5810425274210101896_nEvery candidate got 5 questions from us to answer and you decide who you would love to win this year!!!

10959799_667815803327245_6565410271328547702_nJens Van Maele is the seventh candidate of this series and he is 24 years old and living in Bruges. He works as a supplier for Horeca companies and he came out of the closet since 2008.

Hi Jens,
Why did you enter this competition and what do you want to 1618535_676500032458822_229697980614992250_nachieve, when you become Mister Gay Flanders 2015?
The main reason is to come out with my story. I never dared to speak with anybody about it and now I want to tell everyone that there could and should be still much more improvement in the workplace. Hopefully we can achieve that and certainly it won’t be simple. But I’m going for a good working atmosphere!”

FB-FOTORUDESIGN581076_379565515485610_1045059859_nWhat makes you different from the other 11 candidates?
For me, it’s not the first time I take part to an election, so with my experience, I should be less stressful and being able to fully concentrate on the final evening. But it will certainly be an exciting evening, we deserve it eventually all 12!.

11090919_694387164003442_3846413853656033148_oegelIf you can compare yourself to an animal, what would you be and why? 1960916_1511484935738833_4278095932766452274_o
Hedgehog. the beast itself is actually pretty cute and sweet. The plugs on his back stand for me for being straightforward. You know immediately how far you can go with me and how I think about something. Also Hedgehogs are so vulnerable. When you look at how much we drive around them, when we see them on the road.”

guga baul01guga baulWhich person do you think is HOT/CUTE and would you love to guga baul02get under the sheets with?
Laurent Gaëtan Bailleu better known as Guga Baúl.Why?If I still may choose, I shouldn’t go find them too far (outside Belgium LOL).Totally my type actually. Masculine, muscular, large, nice beard, dark hair, someone who knows what he wants and still funny too. Melting…

1901465_383404665164795_4250725847331833746_n10169216_382400038598591_2705295500809600314_nWhat would you like to change in our LGBT-community and how would you like to accomplish that?10986469_667815806660578_2325530692544460802_o
We can also be positive, because in Belgium we are working very well within the LGBT-community. LGBT’s can marry, adopt children, living together, us themselves are, etc..
But in my opinion, people from the West-Flanders in the field of LGBT sexuality are what behind. I also notice that many gay friends are moving from Bruges to Ghent or Antwerp. It feels there is more acceptance, but I am pretty much homebound to Bruges, because I quite like to be and stay with my family in Bruges.”

10604646_396289230543005_7667955307525683653_oThank you for your answers Jens and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://www.facebook.com/OUTTVBE?sk=app_129570913824547&app_data=26099


1167482_423021424473352_449902810_oMay the best GAY win!!! Thank you also 7502330photographers Johan Vos, Ivo Gautier , René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates. Find out more about these candidates at www.mistergayvlaanderen.be or follow www.pinkinourlives.com

IMG_3113Have a PINK day and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram!!! Big kiss Lesley Middleton

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