STIJN110995998_764084077002849_6963361403975610565_nAs promised Pink In Our Lives will present the twelve candidates for Mister Gay Flanders 2015 in random order. As you could see on the press conference @ Red Star Line Museum (See article: http://pinkinourlives.com/2015/02/14/press-conference-mister-gay-flanders-2015/ ) there is a lot of diversity between the contestants and we are definitely looking forward to see who win the title and taking over the reign for a whole year from current title holder Willem Joris on the 30th of May 2015.

11001726_764084167002840_5780126161792508772_n10991184_382399781931950_2941121371654025316_nEvery candidate got 5 questions from us to answer and you decide 11001693_384601568378438_2644152331438098222_owho you would love to win this year!!!
Stijn Geeroms is the fourth candidate in this series and he is 26 years old and living in Antwerpen. He works as a safety coordinator for Colfridis and he came out of the closet since 2009.

10991179_767659846645272_436392723272028450_n10997501_764244353653488_8520928766793679489_nHi Stijn,
Why did you enter this competition and what do you want to achieve, when you become Mister 526981_494323967312196_903174783_nGay Flanders 2015?
My reason why I participate in Mister Gay Flanders, is to give myself more confidence and to show that everyone is equal.”

What makes you different from the other 11 candidates?
All 12 candidates are special people with a vision and a purpose, otherwise we would not participate. But speaking for myself, what separates me from the others is I’m standing by for anyone with advice and assistance. My goal is always to see the good in everyone and everything.”

If you can compare yourself to an animal, what would you be and why?
“I will compare myself with a Panda Bear.”China_wildlife_panda Why? “Super sweet and cuddly like myself :-)”.

dries01Which person do you think is HOT/CUTE and would you love to get Dries Mertens 8040under the sheets with?
“Footballer Dries Mertens is a handsome, sporty and dark type. I like that, I’d love to go on a date with him”.

10928982_764244323653491_2600658917015101284_n11004654_382409008597694_6183368842962223837_oWhat would you like to change in our LGBT-community and claude de buriehow would you like to accomplish that?
“Everyone has to feel accepted, because of who they are and what they do. Freedom of speech is very important. What I especially want to say; Love yourself first , it starts with that and it is the most beautiful thing you can give your loved ones (friends, family)!”

Thank you for your answers Stijn and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://www.facebook.com/OUTTVBE?sk=app_129570913824547&app_data=26108

IMG_31581003246_479103778834215_906712448_nMay the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Ivo Gautier , René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates. Find out more about these candidates at www.mistergayvlaanderen.be or follow www.pinkinourlives.com

Have a PINK day and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram!!! Big kiss Lesley Middleton


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