As promised Pink In Our Lives will present the twelve candidates for Mister Gay Flanders 2015 in random order. As you could see on the press
conference @ Red Star Line Museum (See article: ) There is a lot of diversity between the contestants and we are definitely looking forward to see who win the title and taking over the reign for a whole year from current title holder Willem Joris on the 30th of May 2015.
Every candidate got 5 questions from us to answer and you decide who you would love to win this year!!!
Thierry Putzeys is the tenth candidate of this series and he is 26 years old and living in Hasselt. He works as a sales person for Stijn Helsen and he came out of the closet since 2006.
Hi Thierry,
Why did you enter this competition and what do you want to achieve, when you become Mister Gay Flanders 2015?
“To give a boost to my confidence and breaking the taboo about transvestites & transgender people and making it more known to the general public.”
What makes you different from the other 11 candidates?
“Each of us has our own goal, which makes a difference, as I want to break through the taboo about transvestites & transgender people.”
If you can compare yourself to an animal, what would you be and why?
“A dolphin, because they are free and enjoy life just as I do.”
Which person do you think is HOT/CUTE and would you love to get under the sheets with?
“Where do I begin …? ;p If I really have to choose it will be Ricky Martin”. Why? “He is gay, has lots of money, very handsome, muscular, a real guy and is full of tattoos. And I think a beast in the bed! Yummy.”
What would you like to change in our LGBT-community and how would you like to accomplish that?
“That LGBT people are allowed to marry in the church, because that totally completes for myself the overall picture of marriage. Also because we are all children of god as the Bible says, so I don’t believe that a distinction should be made under the sexual orientation of people. I fear that I, myself, as a person cannot change much….”
Thank you for your answers Thierry and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better.
You can vote for him through this link with OutTv:
May the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Ivo Gautier , René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates. Find out more about these candidates at or follow

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