TOMAs promised Pink In Our Lives will present the twelve candidates for Mister Gay Flanders 2015 in random order. As you could see on the press conference @ Red Star Line Museum (See article: http://pinkinourlives.com/2015/02/14/press-conference-mister-gay-flanders-2015/ ) there is a lot of diversity between the contestants and we are definitely looking forward to see who win the title and taking over the reign for a whole year from current title holder Willem Joris on the 30th of May 2015.

maxresdefaultl_54db18294353c_07tomEvery candidate got 5 questions from us to answer and you decide who you would love to win this year!!!

10996360_382399945265267_7296309609156778691_nTom Pollaris is the nineth candidate of 11021394_384601625045099_6631602479290162960_othis series and he is 21 years old and living in Zonhoven. He works as a sales person for Jack & Jones and he came out of the closet since 2010.

10923265_10203740446887293_6686995216407715494_n11025740_385929398245655_7506650962582590885_nHi Tom,
Why did you enter this competition and what do you want to achieve, when you become Mister Gay Flanders 2015?
โ€œMy reason to participate in Mister Gay Flanders 2015 is, because I believe that despite the person you 11051_382420281929900_1288860581811009055_nare, with your own personality, your own faith and your own orientation, everyone still has the right to be treated as an equal and to get an equal chance. This is something I really appreciate in my personal circle of friends, you can see different types of people laughing and making fun together. This would be the perfect example of what I would like to accomplish on a much larger level. And let’s be honest: This can happen!!!โ€

11010965_383461815159080_5912118968064123470_n10623639_10203742535619510_4150785847390638069_oWhat makes you different from the other 11 candidates?
โ€œBefore I answer this question, I would say that each candidate is their unique and own person, who knows where he stands and goes for! What distinguish myself than of the other 11 finalists? 1689467_10202036559571175_5438038879644729820_nIn the first place my character. I am a cheerful and optimistic young man. I have already been through a lot in life, which many people shouldnโ€™t experience. And I would lie to you, if I didnโ€™t say that I got me knocked down, but thanks to the support and confidence of my family and friends I get back up every time. It makes me the person who I am today, with all the positive and less positive characteristics, and I am proud of it! And I wish that everyone get this feeling and also get this feeling from other people. RESPECT COMES FROM BOTH WAYS!โ€

11070137_396289393876322_9062903820806994587_npiepvandaag-afrikaanse-olifant-1If you can compare yourself to an animal, what would you be and why?
โ€œIf I would compare myself with an animal, I would definitely go for an elephant! Not the answer you expected? I choose not the elephant for his colossal stature or because it has a big nose. I choose an elephant because they care more than any other animals about the people surrounding them. They are those individuals who bring out the best in everyone around them. They are also very serious when it comes to trust and responsibility to family, friends and employees. Elephants are known as generous animals, who love to make others very happy. Elephants are also tremendously sensitive and easy vulnerable, even though they donโ€™t show this. Elephants are persons full of confidence and full of love. Because of these above mentioned reasons, I would choose to be an elephant.โ€

Darren Criss
Darren Criss

e911e92c9c973f30ad6247f65d7ce43cWhich person do you think is HOT/CUTE and would you love to get under the sheets with?
โ€œHmmm … Normally I havenโ€™t really someone that immediately 2_darren-crisscomes up in my mind that I would like to get under the sheets with. But not to ruin this question, I will do my best to give an answer. If I should choose someone to get under the sheets with, it would be Darren Criss. The actor who plays Blaine Anderson in the series Glee โ€. Why? โ€œWell he looks absolutely not bad off course and it will be quite the adventure.โ€

1234003_644448538928248_806414853_n10624689_10203742535499507_513284091556963028_nWhat would you like to change in our LGBT-community and how would you like to accomplish that?
โ€œAs I have already said, I don’t want to change anything only in 735014_10200609848785734_791080745_nthe LGBT community, I want to reach as far to everyone’s insight of thinking. I want to try to make sure that everyone finally fits in, not just the LGBT community, but also the people with different cultures and personalities. Everyone is undoubtedly unique, but deserves to be equally! And how can we do without that everyone realize this? It is high time that the eyes will open! If the eyes are open, it’s easy to show an image and make people believe it. But it is all about to get the eyes open! This would be scheduled in campaigns and promotions, posters and events which attract people as many as possible.โ€

11034196_10206306611283063_8820016601857259417_nThank you for your answers Tom and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://www.facebook.com/OUTTVBE?sk=app_129570913824547&app_data=26104

Lesley and Tom
Lesley and Tom

May the best GAY win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan 19328_10204098699643388_6951400167143422042_nVos, Ivo Gautier , Renรฉ Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates. Find out more about these candidates at www.mistergayvlaanderen.be or follow www.pinkinourlives.com

Have a PINK day and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram!!! Big kiss Lesley Middleton

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