MY GENDER, MY PRIDE is the theme of Pride Amsterdam 2022
Everyone should feel free to be themselves, without an imposed norm from outside. In recent decades, our struggle has mainly been about ‘being allowed to love who we want’ and it is time to broaden the focus to ‘be allowed to be how we feel’. In other words, time to pay attention to the diversity of gender identities and our right to self-determination. We have the right to deviate from the norm and the sex we were given at birth!
Gender identity is central during Pride Amsterdam from July 30 to August 7, 2022, with the theme ‘My Gender, My Pride’.
The past 25 years have mainly been dominated by our sexual orientations and the struggle to deviate from the hetero norm. “The struggle to deviate from the norm in terms of gender identity and the sex we were given at birth is often underexposed, also within the community. We are going to try to change that this year,” said director Lucien Spee de Castillo Ruiz. “It is not an easy subject, and it is also very diverse. What is typically considered male or female is also not an undisputed fact. It can differ per culture and country. For example, we see that some professions that used to be male are now seen as female and vice versa.
Pride Foundation
Stichting Pride Amsterdam is a non-profit organization committed to emancipation, social, legal and social equality and acceptance of gay men, bisexuals and lesbians, and also for those who do not want to socially dominant gender roles or to conform (as masculine women, feminine men and queers) or assume a different physical gender identity throughout their lives (such as transgenders and transsexuals). To achieve visibility for diversity is necessary. What you see can not be ignored. The primary objective of the foundation is therefor to organize activities and events in public space.
The Pride Amsterdam Ambassadors of 2022

#mygendermypride #prideamsterdam2022 #prideamsterdam #pride #transpride #agenderpride #nonbinary #nonbinarypride #genderqueer #genderqueerpride #genderfluid #genderfluidpride #intersex #intersexpride #interpride #worldpride #europride #PinkInOurLives #GayLife #Support #GailyNews #Gay #GayNews #Queer #LGBTI #Love #Gayblog #GayLove #Rainbow #Pride #PinkVibes #Lifestyle #DailyGay #Festival
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