tumblr_nhy9pgURUR1qauc1to1_1280A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com

tumblr_nd8ekzxW9G1qauc1to2_250Hell yeah!!! Finally a day for me where I get to be appreciated 😉 How come I did not know that the 30th of CQUnJ0xWoAEwMvWOctober is called out for Powerbottom Appreciation Day?? Well I was not the only one according to DNA Magazine, but I am glad I have got my own day of celebration as a Powerbottom myself LOL

CQzbDCsUsAA52rctumblr_njuqizOFb41sq8hxqo1_500Power Bottom Appreciation Day has been around since the ’80s. A common early activity was the tumblr_ngmzyarE6o1qauc1to1_500meeting of small groups of men who would trade stories about the astonishing skills of certain men they had made love to jackhammer-style in the eighties.

bryan_hawn4tumblr_nnwm0mA8wj1s2rr2eo1_540One of the most sexy Powerbottoms that is known off course is Bryan Hawn. Bryan makes a lots of parodies on famous songs and is not afraid to show is big bubble butt in various ways. Just bend over and shake that ass!!! And if you can’t get a Booty like that, then buy that ass for on your wall for a whole year, with his 2016 Bryan Hawn Calendar: http://www.lulu.com/shop/bryan-hawn/bryan-hawn-2016-calendar/calendar/product-22382669.html

tumblr_ncs0n3hUgp1qauc1to1_500What is or how do you become a Powerbottom? Some would consider aCSiGUp5UkAAV1n1 “power bottom” a person who has a long, strong sexual drive who can endure being penetrated for extended lengths of time, while others view them as “size queens”. A person who generally enjoys being penetrated by a very well-endowed top. In my experience I can be both. Size does matter and is fun to work with if you can handle it. But to make a TOP enjoy you being a great bottom that is mostly the ultimate sexual fantasy. A person who can fulfill the fantasy of a top’s sexual desires, needs and wants without being asked or instructed is truly a top’s dream. A power bottom in my opinion is one who has experience as a bottom, is very confident and knows his self-worth.

CRmDnTdUsAALf8otumblr_ne8ffeyKUk1qauc1to1_400BUTT……a Powerbottom can’t do much without a good top as well. So put your ass up in the air and CKEGPF3UEAA-11dshow them too today that you care!!! LOL

And if the TOP feels just a bit tired tonight, you can always be a bottom and getting appreciated today ;o)

1752tumblr_mntplazpJW1rrpjqto1_500HAPPY POWERBOTTOM APPRECIATION DAY!!!

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13Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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