Last night in the Antwerp AthenA hall, during a lively press conference in the presence of Minister of Education Ben Weyts, and many famous faces, the “golden 12” Mr. Gay Belgium finalists for the 2022 edition were presented.
More than 109 men responded positively to the call to succeed the 22-year-old primary education teacher Joren Houtevels as Mister Gay Belgium 2022.
For the 9th year in a row, the Mister Gay organization is looking for a man with charisma, a strong personality and above all an ambassador, a role model who is passionate about the LGBTQI theme.
The candidates will actively work for and within the LGBTQI community for a period of 7 months, culminating in a final gala that will take place on Saturday 12 November 2022 in the heart of Antwerp – Theater Elckerlyc.

From May 10, 2022, everyone can vote for one of the 12 finalists for free via the gay lifestyle TV channel OUTtv. (
You can find more info on or read soon our interviews with each candidate on our website
Good luck to all the boys and may the best candidate win!!!
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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
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