The Prestigious Showqueen Awards from Belgium, even closer to Queen-ism then H.R.H. Queen B, Beyonce herself….. are approaching their deadline at the 5th of June this Sunday. Pink In our Lives was present with my handsome photographer René Emmerink and fabulous side-kick writer Christiaan D’Hooghe. Unfortunately I lost my voice (and NO it was not from a deepthroat, because I can handle that ;p), so I let Christiaan, our very own scream queen reporter, loose on the guuuurlsss and they did not know what hit them LOL!!! I am very proud and pleased of how he handled it, because he was eager, excited and nervous.
Thanks to the organization of Showqueen awards Pink In Our Lives reporter Christiaan was honored on having a private moment with each one of the Queens at the press-tastic event at Bonaparte Antwerp . It’s THE moment for being upfront and intimate at the same time. And see what they have to say. A Showqueen is not just A brainless Powdered Queen, right? (Since Christiaan don’t know all of the girls in person, it was even as exciting for him to interview them, then it was for them being in a conversation with him)
Christiaan: “Being a good reporter for Pink In Our Lives, and Queen-Proof…. I was prepared.
(Nothing as good as a FULL-PROOF preparation!) Brainstormed with our P.I.O.L. team, we had two Questions to ask for each one of the ladies”.
Question one:
– “What would you do, if on the night itself, you find out that your competitor Queen is using the same song for her act as yours? (Since it is the same category”)
Question two:
– “What would you never change about yourself, the Showqueen that you are, at this moment”?

The First Queen catching my spitfire of questions, was the waist downed, Spanish-fan waving, Lady Godiva.
One: “I would sit around the table with my competitor and talk about it, as friends.
Two: “I love my pure humor, that’s Lady Godiva from top to bottom.”

The second Queen at a my length of arm, standing there…. pretty as always in the perfect lightning.
(“Hello, from the other side….” And thank you Adele!)
Granddaughter from Candi Stratton herself, Miss Youna Stratton Mystica.
One: “I wouldn’t change anything at my act or song, and go for it.”
Two: “Youna is a loving and helpful girl for everybody, something I would never change!”
The third Queen and could be a Little Sister from Youna, the young Miss Brooklyn Stone.
One: “Think I would be angry, yes and seek for a alternative.”
Two: “Brooklyn is a very positive standing in life girl, and has a open personality.”
The fourth Queen who I couldn’t over look, is the Red & Blue Queen Miss Lola McQueen .
Wearing for the occasion all the Diamonds she had, combined in a enormous necklace.
One: “No, I wouldn’t change a thing, and keep my song as it is!”
Two: “Lola McQueen is a socialite and I have stay close to me, that’s who I am.”
The fifth Queen in a row is none in the least, the tallest one I’ve EVER seen.
“Guuuuurl who build you, Misses Eifel?” Her name is the flamboyant Miss Sammy Jo.
One: “Honey I would transcend/surpass her with my act…lol….I could you know….look at my legs.
But no I would go for it! A song is a song, the personality makes the act!”
Two: “Never change my length, and being spontaneous as I am!”

The sixth Queen is the Owner from Goddess Pageant, Miss Lexotica.
One: “Wouldn’t change a thing!” (Very confidant what we like!)
Two: “My name I would never change, Lexotica is a known name in the Showqueen World, for many years. Due to misusage of my name in the past, I had changed it…Lexi Jones etc, but in the end Lexotica always came back to me!
The seventh Queen for my interview one could NOT overlook. Her Golden strapless Gown sparkling to me like the Crown jewels from Belgium Queen Mathilde herself, Miss La Plume. Being one of the two Prima Divaz in this fabulous competition, but no rivals at all!
One: “I would stick to my song and try to be even better, a song is a song…it’s the personality and act that makes the performance right!”
Two: “Oh that’s not a tough one, I would NEVER change my name La Plume.”

The eight Queen into my gazing eyes was Lady Infinity, dressed in a Pink Plastic see through, Lady Gaga outfit. (Very Jean-Paul Gaultier, honeys!)
One: “I wouldn’t change anything and do my act.”
Two: “My character, Infinity is a modest girl, and a free spirit.
Last but not least Miss Dragqueen Antwerp 2015 Pamela Barnes, showing her famous cleavage in
the sexiest black/white leather dress….EVER! One of the two Prima Divaz in this competition!
One: “It’s the act itself, so I wouldn’t change the song…not at all. “
Two: “Pamela will never change her playfulness, and joy.”
Concluding an overall view on the answers I got from the Showqueens that wer epresent at the press conference.
Must say the base, and building UP from the ladies is firm, and overall transparent enough to see there will be no burned wigs. Nor do I expect any toxic lipsticks or tricked high heels.

On the other hand this shows AGAIN the high level of professional quality from our Belgium darlings!
But again, very diverse and that gives hope for the show on the 5th of June this Sunday.
To end with a marked UP oneliner by RuPaul herself.
“Make Drag, not war! And don’t fuck it UP!”
May the best Queen win!
In the name of Chanel, Dior, Max Factor and The Whole SEPHORA Store….AMEN!!!
Kissssssses from Christiaan and Lesley
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