IMG_37190IMG_8968Red carpet? CHECK! Dressed up? CHECK! Paparazzi? CHECK! Gaydar on? CHECK! Yes Yes, all is ready for the first Rainbow Awards in the Tuschinski Theatre in Amsterdam. An award to appreciate the LGBT community and to show the whole world that there is more than only the Prides or gay-bashing stories on our planet.

IMG_46530IMG_37500Organizers Peter Van Vught and Dragqueen personality May Day wanted to give a positive boost with recognizition on many levels with this event. They want to give visibility to the companies, organizations and persons that contribute to the Dutch LGBT community.IMG_37530 The founders of this want to build a bridge and collide between the LGBT community and straight world. No separation, no labels, a mix of everybody against discrimination.

Lesley and Sharon Doorson
Lesley and Sharon Doorson

If one evening could be named colorful, it would be this Monday evening. A bunch of gays, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals and straight people came together for one purpose only.

Lesley and the beautiful Janey Jacké
Lesley and the beautiful Janey Jacké

Supporting each other and the whole community. They came to show themselves, to party and celebrate that The Netherlands was the first country where same-sex couples could get married. The room was filled with Dutch celebs, sports people and outrageous and gorgeous drag queens.

IMG_89950On the website www.gay.nl could everybody vote for their favorite in different categories for several weeks. More than 30.000 people did this and the winners were announced on this fabulous evening.

The winners of the evening are:
Best Club: IMG_45500Club Nyx
Ellie Lust (Ellie Lust is the face of Police/Lesbian) award:IMG_45520 Margriet van der Lindenmargriet-_mg_8177
Best Movie/TV Show:IMG_45570 JONGENS (AKA BOYS)
Best Musical: IMG_45580Dreamgirls

Best Musical Star:IMG_45600 Freek BartelsIMG_37460
Best Sports man/woman: IMG_45650Johan KenkhuisPhotoset available
Best Mediamoment:IMG_45710 Ferry de Ruiter/The VoiceIMG_44810
Best Personality Award:IMG_45760 Linda De Mol

Comedy award: IMG_45810Karin BloemenIMG_45450
The Pink Thundercloud Award: EO interview thony
Best Party: IMG_45870PANN
Best Fashion Designer:IMG_45910 Jan TaminiauJan-Taminiau-FACES-by-Jacob-van-Rozelaar
Best Outdoor Event:IMG_45930 Amsterdam Gay Pride
PINK Amsterdammertje:jan-willem debruinJan-Willem de Bruin
Best Singer:IMG_45950 Glennis GraceIMG_46430

Best Bar:IMG_45960 Prik
Best Actor/Actress: IMG_45980Georgina Verbaangeorgina
Best LGBT Initiative:IMG_45990 Gay-Straight Alliance
Queen Of The Year:IMG_46050 Deedee Janssens.IMG_46030
LGBT Achievement Award:IMG_46080 COC Netherlands

Lesley and Alison Jiear and Deborah
Lesley and Alison Jiear and Deborah

Although there were at least 19 awards to be given, the show went very fast with funny quotes, short thank you-speeches and great entertainment by my friend and “Britain’s Got Talent” candidate Alison Jiear with her song “I just wanna Fucking Dance” and comedienne Karin Bloemen.IMG_45350 The last one opened the show with a song and a beautiful speech, where she says that being molested by gaybashers shouldn’t be of this time anymore. Unfortunately after the award ceremony one of the guests Monsieur Plastique got attacked by three men outside.;-(

IMG_45490People, the struggle is still real and this violence has to stop. This Award Show will put the LGBT community in a positive daylight and is a good place to start.So let’s do this!!!

IMG_46380IMG_46200They already announced that there will definitely be a new IMG_46470and even more bigger Award Show next year! With this successful evening it was no surprise to hear this. We look forward to it guys and girls. Well done and we are glad that as international press Pink In Our Lives could be part of this all. BE OUT AND PROUD.

IMG_46170IMG_46580For great pictures of the PINK carpet, the Show and Afterparty in club NYX go to our Facebook page Pink In Our Lives.

Follow us also for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram or Twitter.

Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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