Too much Pink news to spread and don’t want you to miss out on the newest, hottest, interesting, sexiest, campiest, gayest stories, pictures and videos. I started in 2013 with this shower of an infotainment and it keeps going on!!! Let’s get wet everywhere boys and girls. Enjoy and if you have something to share, please send me a message at
Austria’s Conchita Wurst is the winner of the Eurovision Songcontest 2014. A great performance with a beautiful number and presence. Even from homophobic Russia, she got at least 6 points. Conchita being a winner of Eurovision is a good example of the world looking past the person performing only, but giving points because the song is good, a great performance and a beautiful voice. Still there are lots of protests too, but that makes the performer only stronger and more determined to show that we won’t give up and try to stand out and be ourselves. Well-deserved victory and not just only for showing that when you believe in yourself you can do anything. It is a great song and that matters.!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO our LGBT’s or great persons that portrayed LGBT characters in series or movies last week: Soccer Player Robbie Rogers, Dutch Speed Skater Marieke Wijsman
, Touko Laaksonen(Tom of Finland)
, Writer Armistead Maupin
, Actor Ivan Sergei
and Singer Lance Bass
US metal stars Paul Masvidal and Sean Reinert have come out as gay. Masvidal (pictured centre), 43, and Reinert (right), 42, play together in long-running metal band Cynic
. The pair explain that they have been “out” to friends and family for years, but have never spoken publicly about their sexuality until now.There’s definitely going to be a reaction, but it’s important that we be truthful. “Gay people are everywhere, doing every job, playing every kind of music and we always have been.It’s taken me years to finally be brave enough to say, ‘If you have a problem with that, then throw out our records. That’s your problem, not mine.”
NUDIE OF THE WEEK: Rugby Player Wade McKinnon
History was made on Saturday as Michael Sam became the first openly gay NFL draft pick. He was drafted by the St. Louis Rams.After hearing the good news, Sam celebrated with family, including his boyfriend. ESPN broadcasted the emotional moment. Check out the video.
Hallmark Launches Mother’s Day Cards For Kids w/ Two Moms.
Hallmark Cards Inc. spokeswoman Kristi Ernsting said the company is offering two cards with same-sex sentiments this year: “One card ‘for two moms’ and one card ‘for my partner.’” They follow Hallmark’s new same-sex Valentine’s Day cards introduced this year, which Ernsting said “were well received.” Hopefully there will be a card for Kids with Two Dads with upcoming Father’s Day. “Moms are second to none,” one card reads. On the inside, it says, “How does anyone ever get by with just one?” Well I thank my mom already for her support and love for her gay Son and she shows here her support. We love you!!!
In the new series of NBC The Night Shift Brendan Fehr
will play an Army soldier-turned-doctor character who is a closeted gay man. Later you will learn that he’s got a boyfriend who is still fighting in Afghanistan, but he’s coming home soon. And that boyfriend is played by … Luke Macfarlane
! The Night Shift centers around the doctors working the night shift at San Antonio Memorial. This will be the new most gorgeous couple in all of television! NBC You’ve got my attention!!!

Best Gay Wedding video:
(A stop-motion souvenir shot at the Botanical Gardens in Montreal on Patrick and Sébastien’s wedding day)PornStar Jesse Jackman
Comes Out To His Mother After Finding Porn On Her Computer and that’s how parents should react and love their children, no matter what!!! Jackman told:“Mom, there’s something I want to talk to you about. I stopped by the house a few days ago and used your computer, and it was open to…” “Your blog,” she interrupted. I was speechless. My mother explained that she had been aware of his profession for some time, after finding an unusual deposit on one of his bank statements sent to her house. “Several months earlier she’d noticed a deposit from a source she didn’t recognize — my studio — and traced it back to their website,” Jackman says. “At the time, Dirk Caber (his husband)and I had just released a bondage film called Loud and Nasty, and our images were plastered all over the studio’s homepage. With video!”
I don’t think she fully understands my decision to make porn; she has difficulty grasping how I can be so open about something as private and intimate to her as sex. But that’s not really the point. The important thing is that we actually talk about stuff now. If I can tell her I’m a friggin’ porn star and she still loves me, then I can tell her anything.” AMAZING!!!
Lance Bass let their wedding be filmed for Valentine’s TV special in 2015.
The former ‘N Sync singer Lance Bass, who got engaged to actor Michael Turchin last year – said that their wedding will air on E! in 2015. Lance says: “I Never in my lifetime did I think that I’d be able to get married legally. It’s just amazing how fast everything is going right now and I’m just honored to be able to share my wedding with the world. I would have loved to see a gay wedding on television when I was growing up, as it would have shown m that there is “nothing wrong” with being gay. I think it’s going to be really different after we walk down the aisle, I think there’s something about that that’s going to make it so real to us. There’s probably going to be a lot of tears.”
BUTT OF THE WEEK: Dutch Actor Kurt Fortin
Big kiss from Lesley and follow us at Facebook or Twitter.