SHOWER BLASTToo much Pink news to spread and don’t want you to miss out on the newest, hottest, interesting, sexiest, campiest, gayest stories, pictures and videos. In 2013 I started this shower of an infotainment and it keeps you updated!!! Let’s get wet everywhere boys and girls. Enjoy and if you have something to share, please send me a message at

Andrew Christian’s sex-fueled clip, “View From The Top,” is one sexually explicit ad from the underwear retailer with a surprise twist at the end. The ad is basically a softcore gay porn video featuring actual gay porn stars like Seth Santoro. Don’t try watching this clip from at work, unless of course your boss is totally cool with you watching gay porn at your desk.

gn-bathThe University of California (UC) is introducing gender-neutral toilets in all of their 10 campuses as well as a preferred name policy in a bid to become more LGBT-inclusive. All existing single-sex bathrooms in UC buildings will become open to all genders. Berkeley and Riverside already have gender-neutral dormitories. California is known to be one of the most progressive states in America, particularly for LGBT rights. The move came after concerns were raised on behalf of an advisory council of transgender students and staff.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO our LGBT’s or great persons that portrayed LGBT characters in series or movies these last weeks: Adult Performer Reese RideoutReese-Rideout-1, Actor Hal Sparkshal_sparks_99, Director Pedro AldomovarPedro+Almodovar, Adult Performer Rob Nelsonrobnelson01, Fashion Designer Jason Wujason wu, Adult Performer Adrian Toledoadriantoledo, Drag Queen Adore DelanoAdore-Delano-Square-Image, Actress Sherri Saumsherri saum and Adult Performer Lucio Saintslucio saints. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

The Comedy Central duo Key & Peele introduces their fourth season with a same-sex marriage comedy skit. They released a comic sketch of a family preparing for a gay wedding. Larry, played by Jordan Peele, calls the relatives together for a sit-down. ‘Johnson family. Now we all know why we are here,’ Larry announces. ‘Cousin Delroy is getting married. To a man. Which is crazy.’ However, Larry and the rest of Delroy’s kin want to be supportive. So Gary, ‘an active member of the homosexual community’ and Larry’s co-worker, explains what to expect at a gay wedding. Gary tries his best to point out that straight and gay weddings are no different, but no one believes him. See the funny video here:

kelley johnson02NUDIE OF THE WEEK: Kelley JohnsonBelow Deck - Season 2 appears on the BRAVO reality series Below The Deck and is a former US marine. See what he’s packing!!!kelley johnson03
Kelley Johnson was born and raised in Wichita Falls, Texas with his older sister Kelley’s love for the water became apparent even as a toddler, when his mom discovered TV fishing shows were the quickest way to calm him down. Kelley’s brave and courageous spirit led him to join the Marine Corps as the tension in the Middle East was at its height. After leaving the Marines, Kelley moved to Florida to be near his sister and close to the ocean. Getting to live and work on the water while being able to fish in his free time is the ideal life for this Texas native.

Kelley Johnson - Below Deck
Kelley Johnson – Below Deck

linda huntActress Linda Hunt has revealed her sexuality by showing her home with her wife!!
The star of the CBS drama NCIS: Los Angeles opened up the Hollywood home she shares with her wife Karen Klein in Los Angeles to readers of The Times in a feature. Although the couple has been married since 2008, they have been together since 1987 and live in a historic Hollywood neighborhood The home is filled with personal touches like Hunt’s personal collection of New Yorker covers – each laminated and framed – that cover the walls of the guest room bathroom. Hunt, who has an extensive list of film, television and stage credits, made history with her Oscar win as the first person to win an Oscar for playing a character of the opposite sex. It was for the best supporting actress Oscar in 1983 for The Year of Living Dangerously.

Kamyk WalkerHardBritLads-Kamyk-Walker-cute-blond-boy-asshole-butt-cheeks-horny-wanks-big-dick-six-pack-abs-cum-fingers-sexy-002-tube-download-torrent-gallery-sexpics-photo01 (Hard Brit Lads)HardBritLads-Kamyk-Walker-cute-blond-boy-asshole-butt-cheeks-horny-wanks-big-dick-six-pack-abs-cum-fingers-sexy-004-tube-download-torrent-gallery-sexpics-photo02, Emilio Ardanaemilio-ardana a.k.a. lucio-saints-emilio-ardana-ronnie-bonanova02Caleb Rocaemilo ardana (Men At Play)lucio-saints-emilio-ardana-ronnie-bonanova01, Ronnie Bonanovaronnie-bonanova (, Andy Scheckler andy-sheckler-gayhoopla-03(Gayhoopla)andy-sheckler-gayhoopla-11, Return of Adam Champadam champ01 (MenAtPlay), Christiancf christian (CorbinFisher)cf christian01, LVP187_Lucas_Knight_04Lucas Knightlucas-entertainment-michael-lucas-lucas-knight01 (Lucas Entertainment)lucas-entertainment-michael-lucas-lucas-knight02, Rutgerrutger chaosmen01 (Chaosmen)rutger chaosmen02, Ezra FinnEzra-Finn randy blue (Randy Blue)Ezra-Finn-4, Marko Cabomarko-cabo hothouse01 (Hothouse Entertainment)marko-cabo hothouse02, Brody brody sean cody01(SeanCody)brody sean cody02, Joel BirkinBnOx0JECYAAFbCg.jpg large (BelAmi)bel-amis-joel-birkin-is-not-packing-a-gherkin-2-chronicles-of-pornia-blog and Ryan KnightlyRyan-Knightlyranddy blue (RandyBlue)Ryan-Knightly randy blue.

6a00d8341c730253ef01b7c6e77878970b-500wiBest Wedding proposal or Gay Wedding video:6a00d8341c730253ef01bb078ca9dc970d
Matthew and Tom exchanged vows by a lake, released balloons into the sky, and danced under the stars; best of all, they caught it all on tape so we can cheer and get teary right alongside them! They are clearly a beloved couple, with a wonderful group of friends and family supporting them. Their gorgeous countryside wedding is just the icing on the cake. Best wishes from PINK IN OUR LIVES and we wish them many years of love.


2014 calendar pic of Ashley McKenzie

2014 calendar pic of Ashley McKenzie

A shirtless Justin Bieber admiring the plant thinking Can i smoke this
A shirtless Justin Bieber admiring the plant thinking Can i smoke this
adam lambert and footballer anton hysen
adam lambert and footballer anton hysen
alex minksky selfie
alex minksky selfie
British actor and friend of the gays David McIntosh went on vacation.
British actor and friend of the gays David McIntosh went on vacation.
cheyenne jackson in bath
cheyenne jackson in bath
colby melvin got down to his overalls
colby melvin got down to his overalls
davey wavey flexed
davey wavey flexed

We forgot that they got married on the 24th of September and we wish them all the love and luck in the world. They looked great on their wedding day. Gorgeous couple.

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billy magnussen naked 1BUTT OF THE WEEK: MV5BMTg0MjA0Nzc4MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDU3NTE2Mw@@._V1_SX640_SY720_Actor Billy Magnussenbillymagnussenvanyaandsoniaandmashaandspike

billy magnussen gifbilly magnussen02 (2)billy magnussen nude happy tearsbilly magnussen nude happy tearsbilly magnussen naked 14Billy Magnussen in New Play Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike550w_billy_magnussen_3billy magnussen01 (2)billy magnussen01billy magnusen gif02Billy-Magnussenbilly-magnussen-cropped-670x350billy_magnussenbillybilly magnussen nude happy tearspic1_billy_magnussen_rear_nude_002-featured-image-170x315












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