pink shower blast02

There is so much Pink news to spread and I don’t want you to miss out on the newest, hottest, interesting, sexiest, campiest, gayest stories, pictures and videos. That is why we are going to try to shower you with a short weekly blast of infotainment!!! Let’s get wet everywhere boys and girls. Hope you enjoy it and if you have something to share, please send me a message at

6a00d8341c730253ef019affad434d970b-500wiNBA player Jason Collins who came out this year as gay threw the first pitch at the LGBT night at Dodgers stadium.

He was there next to Glee star Amber Riley who 6a00d8341c730253ef019affade6eb970d-500wiperformed the national anthem with the Gay men’s Chorus of Los Angeles. Before the game Jason hung also out with openly gay singer Lance Bass from NSYNC.

paco01Hunky Spanish actor Paco Leon tweeted a full frontal pic of himself on the beach, because of his promise to his fans. When he reach one million followers on twitter he gives his fans a warm welcome this week and the cold water did not hold him back. Kudos for keeping his promise and I think he will get more followers now… 😉

Best wedding proposal of this week:  Lesbian marriage proposal on stage of a concert of female singer SIA.


CassidyCambellNOH8x633Transgender Cassidy Lynn Campbell, who was crowned Homecoming Queen at her southern California High school in September, struck a pose against bullying for the NOH8 campaign for photographer Adam Bouska.


ronaldoChristiano Ronaldo gets his own tumblr_mt0229DK8O1qk64efo1_500-443x670underwear line!! NY based-designer Richard Chai created the CR7 underwear line with co-operation of Cristiano. David Beckham, you got competition and we don’t mind because like David also Christiano will be the model for his underwear.


6a00d8341c730253ef019affa84a77970b-500wi6a00d8341c730253ef019affac5a9a970c-350wiPasta maker Buitoni USA and Bertolli pasta posted a picture on facebook separating itself from rival Barilla and its anti-gay worldview. Bertolli says pasta and love is for all and wanted to spread the news that they welcome everybody, especially those with an empty stomach. Great action and very appropriate.


michelle_rodriguez_15-1024Michelle Rodriquez tells Entertainment Weekly magazine that she is bisexual. For some not surprising, but telling it publicly is another thing. “I don’t talk about what I do with my vagina, and they are all intrigued. I’ve never walked the red carpet with anyone, so everybody wonders: “what does she do with her vagina? Plus I play a butchy girl all the time, so they assume I’m a lesbo”. She tells that she has gone both ways. She does as she pleases and she is too F*cking curious to sit and not try when she can. “Men are intriguing and so are chicks”

letter01Grandfather couldn’t believe his daughter threw her gay son on the street so he disowns her and sent her this letter. Transcription enclosed if you could not read the handwriting. 

‘Dear Christine:

‘I’m disappointed in you as a daughter. You’re correct that we have a “shame in the family”, but mistaken about what it is. Kicking Chad out of your home simply because he told you he was gay is the real “abomination” here. A parent disowning her child is what goes “against nature”. The only intelligent thing I heard you saying in all this was that “you didn’t raise your son to be gay”. Of course you didn’t. He was born this way and didn’t chase it any more than he being left-handed. You however, have made a choice of being hurtful, narrow-minded and backward. So, while we are in the business of disowning our children, I think I’ll take this moment to say goodbye to you. I now have a fabulous (as the gays put it) grandson to raise, and I don’t have time for a heartless B-word of a daughter. If you find your heart, give us a call’


BUTT of the week: Singer & Actor JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE  Justin Timberlake0112justintnaked2tumblr_lqim1z84WP1qa45uio1_500

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Big kiss,



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