Sweetest support from grandparents for their gay grandson #PinkInOurLives ??????

His grandparents found out he’s gay from a news article. So they sent him an email about it. No one told grandma and grandpa when he came out and now their adorable response has lit up the internet.

When Simon Crowther came out to his family, no one told his grandma and grandpa. But when the local newspaper published an article about him after he was named an LGBTQ trailblazer by a gay magazine, they found out.

So they decided to send him an email to share their feelings about it – and now the adorable response has lit up the internet.

“My 89 year old grandparents win the award for the most adorable email ever,” Crowther tweeted along with a screenshot of the email. “Feeling blessed.”

“Hello Simon, We learned from John R when he came round with Grandpa’s birthday present, that there was an excellent article recently, about you and how you built your business, in a Nottingham Evening Post Magazine,” the email started. “Apparently, you reported that you had ‘Come Out’ as being gay to your family when you were 21.

Obviously, it was decided to keep it from us for if it upset us. Don’t worry, we are not upset. In fact, I had already worked it out for myself (Gran), but Grandpa didn’t know. Don’t worry. You are still the same Simon to us this news alters nothing. We want you to know that you are still our grandson and we love you just the same.

“We have not mentioned this to Mum or Jenny, so this message will be as big a surprise to them when you tell them, as it will be to you. I am so glad we now know. Enjoy your life. You are making a pretty good job of it up to now. And…..we would still love to see the article mentioned above. Can you e-mail it to us?

With all our love and support, Gran and Grandpa.”

“I can just see them by the computer deliberating over what to say,” Crowther said in a follow-up tweet. “They’re adorable.”

It isn’t the first time Crowther, a civil engineer in the UK, has been honored for his work. He was recognized by Forbes for their “30 under 30” list in 2018. He owns his own company and specializes in flood control.

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Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton, owner of  PINK IN OUR LIVES

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