Drag Race’s Detox comes out as trans RuPaul’s Drag Race favorite Detox has confirmed that she’s transgender during a live

Drag Race’s Detox comes out as trans RuPaul’s Drag Race favorite Detox has confirmed that she’s transgender during a live
For the first time in Drag Race herstory, the All Stars 9 cast are playing for charity – so here
Tim holds the title another year! Tim Küsters from the Netherlands will continue as title holder for another year, and
Find out the latest news, stories or items from our LGBTQIA+ Community here! True stories, infotainment, gorgeous people and hot
Find out the latest news, stories or items from our LGBTQIA+ Community here! True stories, infotainment, gorgeous people and hot
Currently there are Drag Race spin offs in the UK, Holland, Spain, Thailand, Australia, and Canada and we’re at tipping