Furry Fridays #PinkInOurLives

May this distraction help get you through your Friday afternoon Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter

Scruffy Sundays #PinkInOurLives #NSFW

Woof to the roof with these hairy and scruffy guys. Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter

Furry Fridays #PinkInOurLives

May this distraction help get you through your Friday afternoon Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter

Scruffy Sundays #PinkInOurLives #NSFW

Woof to the roof with these hairy and scruffy guys. Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter

Furry Fridays #PinkInOurLives

May this distraction help get you through your Friday afternoon Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter

Starsky & Hutch actor admitted the show was very Gay and Homo-Erotic!!! ? #GaylyNews #PinkInOurLives

Paul Michael Glaser, the 78-year-old actor known for his role on the โ€™70s detective series Starsky & Hutch, has just