Belgian’s daring hit Party concept EXTRAVAGANZA takes normally place every two months in Antwerp and now they are going to

Belgian’s daring hit Party concept EXTRAVAGANZA takes normally place every two months in Antwerp and now they are going to
A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD Gays Against Guns (GAG) to Storm Fire Island this Sunday to Set
The Prestigious Showqueen Awards from Belgium, even closer to Queen-ism then H.R.H. Queen B, Beyonce herself….. are approaching their deadline
On one of the hottest and sunniest days in Spring the Crème De La Queens arrived in Antwerp city for
A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD From the 17th till the 21st of February there was another edition
Everybody tries to make New Year’s resolutions every year, but most of them will get thrown out the window already