The Voice Winner Sawyer Fredericks Comes Out as Bisexual #PinkInOurLives

LGBTQ+ fans of The Voice have a new reason to sing today because season 8 winner Sawyer Fredericks has come out as bisexual on Instagram.

“Hey everyone. it is time for my #Truthfultuesday,” his post began. “Since I have not publicly said this in a post, I wanted [to] say that I am Bisexual,” Fredericks shared.

The singer went on to explain how he came to this realization as he got older and understood that sexuality extends beyond the binary of straight or gay. “When I was younger I thought I was straight, because I was more attracted to women, and I didn’t know there were more options besides Gay and Straight. So I just assumed I was Straight,” he said.

Fredericks added how lucky he has been to have experienced acceptance for his sexuality in his life. “I am privileged and have never been discriminated against for my sexuality or ashamed of it. I’m truly sorry for any of you who have been, and I hope it gets better,” he shared, ending his post by acknowledging he may upset some of his fans with this disclosure. “I’ll probably lose some fans over this post, but that’s fine with me,” .

Fredericks first rose to fame when, at age 16, he won his season of The Voice. Now at 22, he’s out and living with his partner. The couple has been together for almost five years after meeting at a rock climbing gym. It’s the first time Fredericks has lived with someone other than his family on their farm, and it’s taken some adjustment, although he has no trouble dividing up the chores.

“We both have our responsibilities of making sure the apartment is clean,” Fredericks said. “I can’t even really call them chores. I’m so used to chores being like ‘you are going to go out to the barn and muck a giant stall.’ So I just sweep the floor? It feels easy.”

Congrats to Fredericks on opening up to the world, and here’s hoping it gains him more fans than it costs him!

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Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton, owner of  PINK IN OUR LIVES

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