10353378_746469928746541_4484920902124326675_o10495985_768200456573488_6602817039425465635_oAt the end of August on the 31st took place for the 997055_773067499420117_4598046020762740476_nsecond time in Antwerp “Unicorn Festival” in a magical forest. This event has taken place succesfully in Gent in Belgium several times before. Because of the bad weather last year the event in Antwerp literally drowned, so they tried it this year again at Magiq/Mirror Palace. 10303373_773069559419911_2224154001994298172_nUnfortunately the weather Gods seemed not happy again this year. Despite that the organizers have tried their best to make it work, they had to fight up against rain, clouds and muddy fields. The concept of this festival is: A diverse mix of music, art and happy, passionate and pleasant party people. Free your mind, feel the beat and feed diversity. Unicorn Dresscode: very you!!! PINK IN OUR LIVES was there too to give you inside information ;o)

10514469_773071532753047_4332253167859430930_n10383088_773066562753544_8835502493091359218_nUnicorn Festival took partly place in and outside Magiq. 2 stages. One underneath a beautiful roof of threes, and one in a beautiful old-fashioned mirror tent. Inside the mirror tent there was a big area where you could dance10646690_771918649535002_2228265542007973890_n, drink and watch the uniporn cinema. Outside was a big 10644881_773069106086623_2188774649650479621_nforest with a tent where you could dance, eat and drink at several booths. They placed a cocktail bar, a springcushion and a mechanic bull in the shape of the unicorn to entertain the crowd and the Deejays kept the crowd moving their feet.

10646655_773070062753194_878530525625234156_nIMG_3413Trees, water, grass, a mirror tent, music and loving 10556231_773075149419352_7375276132357872394_npeople are the perfect ingredients for a mythical festival. Unicorn is an open-minded party for everybody, but mostly advertised for the LGBT-community. The atmosphere is very friendly and everybody can be themselves, but it has a long way to go before getting big like Milkshake Festival Amsterdam. Our suggestion is if you have an inside and an 10612722_773070726086461_2855380047878896126_noutside setting, you have to make sure that both venues will be as popular to visit at the same time. In the beginning most people were outside, but even when the weather was not that good, the music inside was not entertaining enough for people to stay inside. 10603538_773072639419603_7084333167741357842_nDuring the evening you saw that the music got much better inside and people started more to open up at the dancefloor in the mirror tent. At a Festival people should dance from beginning till the end at that was unfortunately lacking in the beginning.

1238108_575868682473334_236108527_nIMG_3418However the organization did everything to make it 10405298_773070316086502_5560036263794654519_nwork and in the end they succeeded. Hopefully next time the weather will be better like they deserve and if you enjoyed Unicorn, you can visit their other party Le Zoo next Saturday on the 20th of September10648419_729391250466093_3979318051053882238_o. Unicorn and Le Zoo are parties that are different than any other parties and are working with an unique concept. Do you feel unique? Do you feel special? Then please visit one of their parties next time and have a great evening with your friends. Here is their Facebook page to find out more and look at the pictures to get in touch with your unicorn!!!


10644842_773069082753292_5446796123038949189_nAlways be yourself
Unless you can be a unicorn
Then always be a unicorn

10653366_773069012753299_1795146747276895908_nIMG_3409Follow us on FACEBOOK or TWITTER for more and have a PINK day!
Big kiss Lesley Middleton

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