United We Are. United We Win!!! #pinkbits #pinkinourlives

13310464_10209440027856916_7295353581634303526_nA BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com

13403891_10209134151007750_6160012932466702477_oRaf Van Puymbroeck (21) from Vosselaar has been elected several weeks ago as Mister Gay Belgium 2016. It is a special title and an honour for this municipality and they would like to honour Raf in the presence of mayor Josee heykants. There will be a festive reception tonight at 20.00 at city hall of Vosselaar.

13453955_10154225128766085_1175887048_nIn regarding to the awful terroristic act in Orlando, Raf Van Puymbroeck also lauched a fresh new campaign, especially now with the European Football Champignonship 2016 called: ‘United We Are. United We Win!’.

13423719_560253274146599_6782503697775145116_nRaf wants to deliver a message of brotherhood, togetherness, being united and to stop discrimination and breaching of the human rights in all shapes!!! Raf says about Orlando: “It is barbarian, cowardly and against the human rights. It is an act that we can only condemn and judge. This attack has affect me deeply and my thoughts and compassion goes out to all the loved ones of the victims”.

13494800_563814297123830_2421015196999603150_nRaf feels that team spirit is very important at all times and like with the football in France now everybody is rooting together for one team, but we forget to do this in at all times and not to judge one another. It is not easy to come out of the closet as an athlete, especially as a soccer player. It should be able to be yourself and to out yourself. But by many different visions by clubs, board members, sponsors and supporter makes it still difficult to be able who you are within sports.

12974426_10208741587713913_9141992523396959798_nIn the soccer world it is still a macho world and not only for players, but also for referees to join sports as a LGBT person”, says Raf.” Many people forget that talent, passion and insight in a sport has nothing to do with your character or for which team you are batting. I still notice, especially in the soccer world, that there is still a lot of work for acceptance and the image towards LGBT’s and transgenders”.

13407154_559432050895388_513808230591657713_n13435882_10154215980791085_2039520331_nRaf will be also at the end of July representing Belgium as a contestant for Mister Gay Europe in Sweden and Norway and making his message clear!!!

13393902_10209439766450381_2113463911727844090_nmgbPink In our Lives want to wish congratulations with his honouring reception tonight and good luck with his campaign “United We Are. United We Win”. We are sure we will hear more about it in the future and off course we will keep you posted. If you want to know more about it, check out also the website www.mrgaybelgium.be

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Big kiss,

Lesley Middleton

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