Week 44: sexy pink shower blast

pink shower blast02There is so much Pink news to spread and I don’t want you to miss out on the newest, hottest, interesting, sexiest, campiest, gayest stories, pictures and videos. That is why we are going to try to shower you with a short weekly blast of infotainment!!! Let’s get wet everywhere boys and girls. Hope you enjoy it and if you have something to share, please send me a message at lesley.middleton@live.be

406863_398805966857688_1105084480_nHow was your Halloween? Were you sexy or scary? Watch our facebook page for more revealing, craziest and scary pictures of our creatures. It is at least one night where nobody looks up that you are acting GAY, because you play a “character”!!! ;o) Here is the link to our facebook album: Share and like it!!!



Lambda Legal Tells ‘New Jersey Love Story,’ Celebrates Couple Married After 40 Years:

A new video from Lambda Legal shares the story of Cindy Meneghin and Maureen Kilian, two women who met their junior year of high school and have been together since, a total of over forty years. Cindy and Maureen were one of six couples originally contacted to join the fight for same-sex marriage as plaintiffs alongside Lambda Legal. Now, they are legally married in the state of New Jersey. In the video, the couple recounts the first time they met, their difficulty acquiring a marriage license over a decade ago, and the joy they felt as they finally signed the papers. 

Congratulations to Cindy and Maureen, as well as to all the other couples benefiting from the recent same-sex marriage ruling in the Garden State! 

Jack Harrer, Lukas Ridgeston and Kris Evans
Jack Harrer, Lukas Ridgeston and Kris Evans

1383982_10151937020686117_770223842_nThe long-awaited return for Bel Ami’s pornstar Lukas Ridgeston is here with the movie 1395158_10151939791276117_1026068974_n“Forever Lukas”. One of the scenes is a three-way with Kris Evans, Jack Harrer and Lukas himself. They call it already the three-way of the decade and it is a pretty hot one. But what would you expect with three hunks together having horny fun. With his 40 years old Lukas can still compete with the younger guys and looks hot as hell.

?????????????????Hawaii Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill in 20-4 Vote!!!

We can  say now “Aloha” to gay marriages in Hawaii. hScreen-Shot-2013-04-09-at-13.52.34-1The vote came after several hours of debate in a special legislative session called by Governor Neil Abercrombie. The bill will now move on to the House for debate. If any amendments are made to the bill in the House, it would have to come back to the Senate for review before moving to Gov. Neil Abercrombie for his signature. Hawaii is one of several states that have seen movement on gay marriage since.

kiss of the week: Nolan and Patrick’s second kiss in Revenge

1450134_10151936382203830_1768887146_nShowqueen ZsaZsa Lamor enters in Belgium Got’s Talent as a stand-up comedian like the great Dame Edna. 541440_10151936444888830_573941506_nAnd this lady is a great one too, she can entertain and says what she thinks. She brings it with confidence and humor next to a dashing, sparkling costume with lots of glitter, glamour and feathers like a true showqueen. She got through the audition and will now be in the live shows. Will she be the Dame Edna of the BENELUX? Will she be the winner of this year’s season of Belgium’s Got Talent? We will see, but she got our attention already. And if you want to see her and her girls live, just visit the show restaurant Mas’kara for a great evening with food, drinks and live entertainment.

BUTT of the week: Actor ZAC EFRON

IMG_7483zac-efron-sexy-shirtless-naked-hot-2012zac efron01Zac-Efron-showed-off-his-six-pack-abs-Shirtless-Photo**EXCLUSIVE** Zac Efron enjoys some downtime skateboarding with a couple of friends along the  beach


Thousands Turn Out for LGBT Pride March in Taipei, Taiwan.

indexAn estimated 60,000 attendees took to Taipei’s streets to celebrate what is being called Asia’s biggest gay pride event. Taiwan Pride is the biggest in Asia because of our accepting social atmosphere. DSC08943Taiwan’s legislature began a review of a gay marriage bill, which has the support of 53 percent of the public, though acceptance of a gay family member remains low.Chinese families are still very traditional, people still emphasize having an heir and passing on the family name. index01On a cool autumn day, the 11th annual parade was marked by colorful costumes, plenty of exposed skin, musical performances and vendors lining the route to and from the city hall.


6a00d8341c730253ef019b0038d008970c-800wiProject Runway alum Jack Mackenroth launches HIV EQUAL campaign aimed at ending HIV stigma. Jack has joined with photographer Thomas Evans and Connecticut-based World Health Clinicians (WHC) to launch a new social media campaign, “HIV Equal,” aimed at fighting the stigma surrounding HIV and encouraging people to get tested and know their status. Mackenroth, who has been HIV positive for twenty-four years says “Our goal is to photograph people from all walks of life who support ending HIV stigma, regardless of their personal HIV status. We launched the campaign with celebrities, politicians, artists and many recognizable faces in order to draw attention to our mission, but we plan to include everyone since HIV affects us all”.

More than just assigning people with labels of “negative” and “positive,” “HIV Equal” highlights what people believe to be “a positive attribute that they see about themselves”.Regardless of their HIV status everybody are equally valuable human beings.

Video ‘HIV Equal’ Campaign:

You want more news and hot pictures, follow us at facebook or twitter: 16133_190526741753_582326753_3890079_4250900_n

Big kiss,


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