A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com

Gay-Rugby-Kiss-Scrumbacio-gay-3Popular Italian sports magazine Sportweek has put on their cover of the 11th of July edition a gay couple named Giacomo and Stefano kissing. They play together on gay-friendly amateur Rome squad Libera Rugby and were seen on the cover giving a good real kiss.

1461431_471788356268911_975606010_nThe gay kiss on the cover has unfortunately caused an outrage. Many readers of the magazine reacted like “That’s absolutely disgusting,” “You’re painfully conformist and ideological,” and arguably one of the most troubling comments:, “Tell me how I explain it to my 5 year old son.”

IMG_21931005315_417797711667976_828263826_nLuckily many, more liberal readers viewed the cover as a positive, long overdue challenge to the homophobia that often goes unchallenged in Italian sport. Many Italians are afraid and its fear and ignorance that create homophobia. But it is not only in Italy….Even in commercials two men kissing is still not done like the banned TV commercial in the USA in 2013, but it was CLEVER, HYSTERICAL & SEXY!! Here is the Jawbone blue tooth TV commercial. That’s a REAL rugby team + two actors Pete & Randy. Rugby team didn’t know about the KISS. The reactions what you see on their faces are REAL!! https://youtu.be/qNmGmfLdcr8

milan-3-e1435505966623This issue of La Gazzetta Dello Sport is centered around tackling “the last taboo” in world sports, and features articles and interviews on Italy’s first gay-friendly rugby team. milan-4-e1435506072394The controversial cover is set to add momentum to the Italian LGBT community’s fight for equality, at a time when gay rights in the country are beginning to gain traction. Homosexuality remains an issue in the Catholic-majority nation. Italy is the only Western European country not to recognize either gay marriage or civil unions.

996831_408665689247845_6680465_nHopefully there will be a change in the future and a hundred thousand people showed already SI (YES) to equality at Milan Pride on the 28th of June!!! Let’s make more same-sex kisses in any sport. ;o)

971522_417797701667977_1310336077_nThat is why we like this 2015 SHOCKING Super Bowl commercial “Queer Beer.” Wouldn’t you love this to be a real Super Bowl commercial next to all the other commercials???

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