In Mei waren de nieuwe twaalf kandidaten voorgesteld om Joren Houtevels op te volgen als de nieuwe Mister Gay Belgium 2022 op 12 November 2022.
Nu de galashow dichterbij komt gaan we de jongens nog even in extra daglicht zetten en hen aan jullie voorstellen en te laten zien wie zij zijn en voor welk thema zij zich inzetten. Tijd dus om met PINK IN OUR LIVES met alle kandidaten één voor één een interview te doen. Get surprised, intrigued and excited. De elfde kandidaat is Dinesh George Lourdes!!!
Bedankt alvast aan de fotografen Rowin Dreef en Karin Vermeiren voor de fantastische foto’s van alle kandidaten.
De 29-jarige Dinesh uit Antwerpen werkt als leerkracht Engels. Zijn thema dit jaar is Internationale mensenrechten.
What does Mister Gay Belgium mean to you?
Mister Gay Belgium means so much more to me than just a “beauty pageant”. The Mister Gay Belgium organization empowers people in the LGBT+ community to develop the confidence they need to achieve their personal best while working on a theme that is very important and personal to them. A confident person has the power to make real change, starting in his/their local community with the potential to reach a global audience. I want to use this opportunity to work on my theme of international human rights. This means so much to me as I am from Malaysia and in Malaysia people can go to jail for simply loving someone of the same gender. On top of this, these same people would be liable to whipping and may even face deportation. This needs to stop and it is my job via the voice that this competition has given me to create an awareness for these draconian laws.
Why did you choose for this personal theme/subject?
Based on my personal experience – Everyone has an equal right to live free from violence, persecution, discrimination and stigma. International human rights should ensure that every person, without distinction, can enjoy equal rights. While welcoming increasing efforts in many countries to protect the rights of LGBTI people, I remain seriously concerned that around the world, millions of LGBTI individuals, those perceived as LGBTI and their families face widespread human rights violations. This is cause for alarm – and action. I can make change happen with this competition.
What makes you different from the other candidates and why should people vote for you?
Every candidate this year has a very special and dear theme to them – and all of them equally important. Having said that, I do feel that my theme is so close to my heart as I have faced so much discrimination for being who I am. This makes me want to fight for my theme even more. On top of my very heavy theme, I also want to represent people of colour to show the beautiful people of Belgium and the people of colour in Belgium that we are represented, we are beautiful and we are loved.
With what animal can we compare you to and why?
I am a dolphin. Like a dolphin, I’m smart. But my intelligence isn’t the only great thing about me; I’m also very social and empathetic!
What good advice would you give to the young LGBT+ Community that has not come out of the closet yet?
I have actually been talking to a lot of my students who have been coming to me since they have seen that I am in the competition. I had an awful coming out story so I want them to feel loved and safe. This is what I would say: Deciding who to tell can be an important decision. Think about the people you’re closest to and who would love and accept you no matter what – those people can help support you as you come out to others in your life. There’s no “right” way to come out. The way you come out has only one rule: it should feel right to you. Don’t worry if the person you come out to doesn’t react the way you’d hoped right away. Sometimes it takes a while for people to adjust — what you’ve told them might be surprising or unexpected for them. They might just need some time to process it before they give you their support.

How was your coming out and how did your family/friends and work react to this?
My coming out was very rough. I chose to come out when I was 18 and everyone including my most loved ones turned their back on me. It was a very depressing period. On top of that I was sent to priests and psychologists to be “cured”. I will get into this on another interview. This interview will take a long time as it’s a very long and difficult story to tell.
What does Pride mean to you and which Pride did you enjoy the most?
To me, celebrating Pride means promoting self-affirmation, dignity, and equal rights for all. It’s a time for people from all walks of life to stop and reflect on what it means to be truly accepting and accepted, and the peaceful, positive effect this can have on the world. My favourite pride was the Antwerp Pride 2018. It was my first pride and I spent the whole pride crying because I couldn’t believe that I could finally be open about who I am.

Short reactions to the following statements?
Favoriet land? Favoriet country?
Belgium – My new home
Favorite Drag Queen:
Trixie Mattel – She has a Cinderella story. Like me, she came from a very poor family and she did her best to make it big.
Goede Eigenschap: good quality of yourself?
I am very confident and determined. If I want something, I will do it.
Slechte eigenschap? Less quality of yourself?
I am very sensitive. It doesn’t take a lot for me to cry.
Boxers or briefs?
Briefs – they provide more support and holds everything together. It makes me feel safe.
Wat vind je van de Pink In Our Lives website:(www.facebook.con/pinkinourlives) What do u think of Pink In Our Lives Website?
Pink, beautiful, interesting information and very user-friendly.
Ontbijt op bed of dinner met 2/breakfast at bed or dinner for two?
Dinner. Anytime. Growing up, I never had breakfast so I am used to not having breakfast. Dinner on the other hand… you can never go wrong with dinner.
Favorite gay party?
I’ve not been to many gay parties but I did love Que Pasa in Antwerp. It was near my house and it was amazing with the friendliest people. I’m so sad it got closed down.
Naughty or Nice:
Nice – It is so important to be nice and kind.
Grootste angst: Biggest fear?
Losing my mother. She is my everything.
Knapste man: most handsome man?
My boyfriend, Pieter. I wouldn’t have chosen him if he wasn’t the best. I usually go for the best.
Mooiste lichaamsdeel van je zelf: best bodypart of yourself?
My chest and shoulders – I put in a lot of effort on this at the gym.
Geheim of weetje wat niet veel mensen van jou weten? Secret or something that not a lot of people would know about you?
I am a very good singer. I was trained in church and I was the choir master at my church in Malaysia. I have also opened (and closed) many events in Malaysia with my singing.

Happy single or partner:
Happily partnered.
Doel in jouw leven: life goal or purpose in life?
To do whatever it takes to make myself and people who are around me happy – without hurting anyone – while being kind and loving always. Happiness is very important to me.
Eerste liefde: first love?
It was a boy in my university. We were 17 and we had to hide our relationship from everyone. He still has a very special place in my heart.
Levensmotto: mantra that you go by in life?
“If I wait for someone else to validate my existence, it will mean that I’m shortchanging myself.” – Zanele Muholi
Bedankt voor dit interview Dinesh en om onze lezers jou zo beter te leren kennen
May the best GAY Ambassador win!!!
You can find more info on or read soon our interviews with each candidate on our website