2017 has begun already which also makes it time again for the search of a new Mister Gay Belgium. The twelve contestants for 2017 are known for the public and introduced at the Press Event in February. They are eager to take over the reign and title of Mister Gay Belgium 2016 Raf Van Puymbroeck. They have their own message to bring out to the world and will show why they should be named as Mister Gay Belgium 2017 at the 27th of May in Antwerp. Time again like every year for PINK IN OUR LIVES to put all candidates separately in the spotlight and give a taste of who they are. We have met them all and they are a fine and friendly group of guys and the second candidate of this series of interviews will be Dries Van De Put.
Dries Van De Put is 21 years old, a medical laboratory technician and is living in Keerbergen. He did his coming out in 2015 and his project is about “Education & Development”.
What is the reason you joined this election of Mister Gay Belgium?
“I take part in this election, because I want to know more myself about the education & development of the LGBT youth to make the LGBT themes more disputable. I want to be supportive for the LGBT community and to let my voice heard for friends, who had it difficult. This all to create together a more beautiful future with more respect and tolerance”.
To whom did you do your first coming out and how?
“It was during the summer of 2015 that I got my first serious relationship. Everything felt right and good. I was so happy. After I came home from my vacation work, I told my parents that I had something to share with them. A boy came into my life, who made me very happy. I showed immediately a picture of us both together”.
What does the Gay Pride mean for you and do we still need such a parade these days?
“GayPride became for me a day of one big party, where everybody can be themselves. A day where we all come together and ask in a playful way for attention for the problems in our society. I think a Parade is still necessary, because that is the moment we can all be together without prejudice. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and straight people all united at the side of the street. Because of the commercialization of these Prides/Parades, our messages reach a much broader audience these days”.
What features/personality does your ideal man has to have and like which hunk does he have to look like?
“My ideal man must have a beautiful personality and must take of his looks. That is most important for me. When I combine these two characteristics I think about actor Louis Talpe with the character and smile of singer
Niels Destadsbader”.
What advice would you give to young gays that did not come out of the closet yet?
“Don’t let you be forced out of the closet, but do it when you feel the time is right for you. It has to be your moment where you stand strong in your shoes and ready to step into the “new” world.”
Short reactions on the following words/statements:
Favorite country: “France”
Donald Trump: “No leader”
Your superhero(es): “My mother, always and everywhere is she here for me”
Fetish: “Perfectly groomed chest hair”.
Marriage or children: “Children”
Pink In Our Lives: “A beautiful blog”
Biggest fear: “Getting bald”
Boxers or briefs: “boxers”
Great Gay Party: “Pannekoek in Bonaparte Antwerp”
First love: “At my 19 years old”
Worst quality of yourself: “jealousy”
Best quality of yourself: “Being there for everybody who needs me”
Perfect hair or beautiful outfit: “nice outfit”
Body part you are most proud of: “my eyes”
Goal in your life: “Making the world a better place and enjoying each day in life”
Breakfast in bed or dinner for 2: “dinner for 2”
Mister Gay Belgium: “Beautiful organization”
Thank you for your answers Dries and for letting my readers and your voters getting to know you better. You can vote for him through this link with OutTv: https://app.je/entry/53804
May the best GAY Ambassador win!!! Thank you also photographers Johan Vos, Marc Drofmans, Tom Vaes, Kevin Wuyts, Emmanuel Deprijckere, René Emmerink and Johan Cansse for the great pictures of all the candidates and www.welovemisses.be for the videos.
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Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES