Sorry guys, girls and everybody in between that I have been away for some time on Facebook and not been posting a lot, but I got blocked by Facebook for a whole month ? Someone reported a post from Pink In Our Lives about Orlando Bloom showing his schlong (Didn’t even show on FB the naked pic,
while every paper, magazine or internet site in the world showed it, so here it is again LOL ) and I almost had to even prove who I actually am. Don’t they know who I am already? LOL
It felt for someway like a prison that got me trapped and locked, kicking and screaming to get heard, but I finally broke out of jail and won’t let me kick down.
What wonders me the most about this all, is why doesn’t somebody let a person express themselves or post whatever they like? If you don’t like it, don’t watch or read it and unfollow or unfriend them. Why fight against each other or judge others? I am raised to accept everybody, no matter what religion, culture, sexuality they have or in any way somebody is different than me.
Does I have to love or like everybody? Off course not…, but you can still treat everybody with respect and leave them alone and let them just be themselves. Don’t try to change somebody, because it makes our world so much more interesting, being so different and colorful.
I have been blocked before, because I am gay and I like the male beauty. Same do my female friends, who are the ones waiting and asking for my daily “Hottie Of The Day” all the time on Facebook and any other social media 😉 I even made it on the Belgian news the last time about Facebook blocks. Hmm….so I am getting famous after all, don’t you think? Hahaha.
Also on Twitter I get sometimes reactions from anti-gay groups when I tweet about” Equality For All” or show a natural gay kiss between same-sex
lovers. Don’t these people have a life? Don’t they know their children get a greater upbringing, if they see how the world is divided between straight and LGBT people and that they aren’t that different from each other?
It feels sometimes we are getting back at the Dark Ages with IS throwing gay people down of roofs, because just of who we are. Reading about young people taking their own lives, because they feel they can’t be themselves in this world. ( is the post about Leelah Alcorn,
who committed suicide for not being accepted as a transgender. Her post was completely deleted after her death, but you can still read here powerful and emotional letter) We still have a long way to go and we have to stand up against this violence and sadness. Showing the world that the LGBT people are not as bad or strange as they think. After all everybody wants to be accepted in this world and it starts already at a young age. That is why I started with my blog, the ultimate happy LGBT Source!!! For the young and old, straight and LGBT’s and for boys and girls and everybody in between!
Facebook has changed their violations policy and restrictions these days, but it is still the users and viewers that report these posts. There is no “Don’t like this button”, because FB doesn’t want to spread negativity. But you can report whatever you don’t like or disapprove of. This is not only on FB, but also on Twitter or Instagram. I use Facebook as a connection to my friends and family all over the world, but also to show with my page Pink In Our Lives how great and funny the LGBT world can be. Sharing is what the social media supposed for, so showing the everyday things in life should not be blocked or banned.
Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr
The more the merrier and we can only stand up against injustice and for equality if we all join together!!! Have a Pink day!!! Fill in your email address at our page and get updates and your own Hotties Of The Day in your mailbox.Please share, like and follow my blog PINK IN OUR LIVES!!!
Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton