31 years ago, homosexuality was removed from the World Health Organizations’ list of recognized diseases. For some, 31 years ago might seem like an eternity, but let’s face it: “only” 31 years ago the international community decided that we’re not sick. Since then, many countries have improved their handling of sexuality and gender issues, but in many countries there is still a long way to go, and in barely any country are we completely equal.
So on may 17th we celebrate IDAHOBIT: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
You don’t need to be LGBTIQ+ to speak up if you see something wrong. And if you are in trouble, look for someone to talk to! We are many and there are plenty of places where you can get help. You are not alone! Do not give lgbtiq*-phobia a chance.

Pink In Our Lives has worked today with Antwerp Pride, Mister Gay Belgium Roze Huis Antwerpen, Mayor Bart De Wever, Horeca Antwerpen, Cafe Den Engel and Opera Vlaanderen to get more #Visibility and #Acceptance by raising the Rainbow Flag ????

From there we went to the Big Market with minister for Equal Rights from Antwerp Karim Bachar to bring on the first label of The Pansy Project from Paul Harfleet at fhe entrance of the famous Pub “Den Engel”.

This artwork stands symbol for “a place without hate” (#zaakzonderhaat) It gives a clear signal: here is no place for dicrimination, hate and (verbal) abuse. The businesses will earn this label with an E-learning about this subject.this iniative is supported by the City of Antwerp and their local Police.
Pub Den Engel is the first one and hopefully more businesses will follow in their footsteps and apply this sign. ????????
Please follow us for more at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr.
Fill out your email address at www.pinkinourlives.com for more updates, news, stories, parties and more!!! DON’T SAY IT, BUT SPRAY IT!!!
Big kiss,
Lesley Middleton, owner of PINK IN OUR LIVES
Comment or sound off below ??? THANK YOU!!!
Thanks to the photographers and camera men: Marcel Lennartz, Lesley Middleton, Bram Bierkens, Marc de Prins and René Emmerink.