THE SHOWER BLAST with the newest, hottest, interesting, sexiest, campiest, gayest stories, pictures and videos. Let’s get wet boys and girls!!! Enjoy and if you have something to share, please send me a message at info@pinkinourlives.com
Will Lexington finally came out to the world on this season finale of “Nashville”!!!
On this week’s season finale of the ABC drama Nashville, the character of Will Lexington finally decided to stop hiding. At a press conference called to deny a tabloid story that he was having an affair with his male songwriting character, Lexington has a change of heart and instead decides to confirm the truth. The scene was one of the most powerful yet for hunky actor Chris Carmack: “I want Will to be out and happy and still a huge country star and people loving him for who he is. I want him to make some decisions that are going to help him fulfill his life. He’s rolling the dice of his entire career.
Historically, those things have not gone over well with country audiences. This is the first role I’ve ever played that I really do feel that I have a responsibility in the playing of it to get it right. I’m fully aware that it’s a character on a nighttime soap and we’re amping up the drama, but I think this is the first time that I’ve ever played a character that is so connected to a part of my own social consciousness and the social consciousness of many people that I love and respect. It’s freeing and daunting at the same time to feel that connected to a role that you’re playing.’
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO our LGBT’s or great persons that portrayed LGBT characters in series or movies these last weeks: CONGRATULATIONS!!! Archer Ivan Denis, LGBT Reporter Greg Hernandez
, Adult performer Brandon Jones
, Mister Gay World 2013 Christopher Olwage
, Adult performer Christopher Daniels
, Designer Jack Mackenroth
, Adult performer Colton Long
, Soccer Player Robbie Rogers
, Dragqueen Tootsie (Richard Dierick)
, Rapper Felicia Pearson
, Adult performer Ashley Ryder
, Actor Christian Campbell
, Deejay Tristan Jaxx
, Singer Sam Smith
, Actor Gabriel Mann
, Dragqueen Baby V.
and Musical Star Jack Jefferson
Zac Efron and Dave Franco get touchy-feely and shirtless at the MTV Movie Awards!!!
Zac Efron and his Neighbors co-star Dave Franco took home the Golden Popcorn for Best Duo at Sunday’s show, and I’ve definitely had best duo dreams about Franco and Efron before so it was nice to see the opening scene play out so vividly in real life.
Why ?Actor Scott Eastwood? likes to show his ??butt? & embrace his ??gay? fans!!! ?????????????????????????????????????
In an interview with Pride Source, Scott Eastwood opened up about his thoughts on LGBT equality and the important lessons his dad has taught him. He’s all for LGBT equality. “I don’t discriminate against any fans. Fans are fans, and gay men are great. I support gay marriage and the whole bit.” He’s down for a gay role. “It’s all about the script and the director. I’m very director-driven and material-oriented, so if it’s a great script and a great director, then yeah.” He is not affraid to show his booty in his upcoming move, The Longest Ride. He has man crushes! “Guys like Martin Luther King, who said things at a time when they weren’t acceptable. People who are out doing great things”. You gotta love this guy and at least enjoy his body ;o)

The Voice Australia co-host Faustina ‘Fuzzy’ Agolley comes out as gay!!!
Faustina made the announcement in a blog post on Friday (April 13) – her 31st birthday – because it simply felt right. ‘As black as my skin, as Chinese as my blood, and as Australian and British are my nationalities, I’m also a proud Gay Woman.’ Agolley also wrote a positive message for LGBTI persons who haven’t yet come out. ‘In life, philosophy and literature imparts one of the greatest lessons we continuously come back to, and that is to know thyself. For those reading this who are LGBT and haven’t come out – even when society may not deem you equal because of your sexuality – know that you are. And just like in my situation, know that there are people in the world that have your back”.
, Alejandro Mango
, Arial Varga
, Bastian Dufy
, Bray Love
, Brett Beckham
, Brett Cady
, Chandler Scott
, Damian Black
, Jevon Burton
, Lars Nielsen
, Luke Vogel
, Massimo Piano
, Mike
, Nathan Gear
and Paul
Trans character Maya comes out to boyfriend Rick Forrester on a dramatic episode of The Bold and the Beautiful
And Rick tells her: ‘I just know that I love you and I want to spend my life with you!!!
Maya had decided that she wouldn’t disclose the news to Rick until she was sure he was serious about having a future with her. She found out he was when Rick proposed marriage. Rick was hurt that Maya had not confided in him sooner but in the end reassures her that he loves her. ‘I’m glad you told me,’ he says. ‘That’s what the woman I know would do. So what does it change? I just know that I love you and I want to spend my life with you. So please don’t walk away from me.’

Daniel Franzese Has A Huge Penis!!!
Former Mean Girls star Daniel Franzese showed his dick on an episode of HBO’s Looking, and I am happy to report that it’s fucking humongous. While it was only a brief glimpse with “artistic” lighting to keep things “classy”, we were able to get a better view of that beautiful dong thanks to the combined powers of Photoshop and the magic of like-minded perverts on the internet. I’ve got to give this show credit for highlighting a bigger body type in all its glory and tackling a serious issue like serodiscordant partners and HIV stigma. Bigger guys always sorta get out of the gay lexicon, but with the show Looking and actors like Daniel, this series shows every body type and Thank God even more ;o)
Best Wedding proposal or Gay Wedding video: A prince charming named Patrick, just proposed to his prince in shining armor Gavin at Disney World, with a little help from a few of their friends.
Record-High 60% of Americans Say They Support Same-Sex Marriage!!!
New fighting game Mortal Kombat X features a gay character for the first time!!!
The latest entry to the Mortal Kombat franchise introduces Kung Jin, a former thief, he is now a monk archer and member of a Special Forces Unit. Through a series of flashbacks, gamers will get to see new character Kung Jin explore his sexuality as he fights with several others. When fan favourite character Raiden tells Kung Jin to join the Shaolin monks, he replies: “I can’t… They won’t accept.”Raiden responds: “They care only of what is in your heart, not whom your heart desires.” Mortal Kombat X’s cinematic director Dominic Ciancialo confirmed the news on twitter, while responding to fans. When asked directly whether the character is gay, he confirmed so.
BUTT OF THE WEEK: (And he throws in a full-frontal for us in it too LOL) Actor Jack Matthews
Big kiss from Lesley Middleton and follow us at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram or Twitter