Kissing Gay Couple at WK in Russia #pinkinourlives #gayfeed

During the opening game of the World Championship Soccer in Russia ?? is through augmented reality a big supporters flag shown with a kissing gay couple. On their cheeks they have the flags of Russia and Saoudi Arabia.

Under the kissing men you can read the text ‘Love will win tonight’. The digital iniative of the Swedish clothing brand Björn Borg is to encourage people to take a statement against the underpressure LGBTQ-rights in general and particularly against the marriage inequality.

These days a marriage between two people of the same gender is against the law in 87 procent of all the countries all over the world. In Russia will be “promoting” homosexuality punished and in Saoudi Arabia is homosexuality seen as a crime, and can even be sentenced with the death penalty.

The message – Love will win tonight – will also be spread around in the Russian Media. For example through advertisements in the popular Russian Newspaper ”The Moscow Times” to get more support for Marriage Equality.

We think that sports is love and all love is equal. The hidden supporters Flag is our way to support all underpressed and forced hidden love in these two countries. It is a simple message – that love, in the end , always conquers and survives. For us there is no better moment than now at this World Championship in Russia to give an extra push to make this open for discusssion”, tells Jonas Lindberg Nyvang, marketingdirector of Björn Borg.

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Lesley Middleton, owner of Pink In Our Lives

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