PRESS CONFERENCE OF THE SHOWQUEEN AWARDS 2016 #pinkbits #pinkinourlives

IMG_6271On one of the hottest and sunniest days in Spring the Crème De La Queens arrived in Antwerp city for the press performance of the upcoming Showqueen Awards 2016 on Sunday the 5th of May.
Press, journalists and off course LGTB page Pink In Our Lives attended this moment of glitz and glamour on getting a hint what is coming on the 5th of June this year. 

13138844_983842791730129_2345333656198309004_nAfter a few years of silence The Showqueen awards upgraded themselves into 2016.
The spokes Queen from this pageant is Les Filles de Malines always beautifully-slimmed-down-Ginger-haired-Diva Selina Pearl, moviemaker Thierry Fasseur, P.R.- Manager Eline Darmont IMG_6194and Mister Davy Bamps. Last one showed recently at the Zsa Zsa Lamor Sequel that he can get more people to great events like no other.

IMG_6266Besides that a few Queens that were not able to attend this afternoon, because of bookings beside the IMG_6254boarders of Belgium, all of the Ladies arrived in full feathers and high fashion make-up at Bonaparte. One even more sparkling, higher heeled or dressed to kill than the other.
What one could see when seeing them standing in a row, the diversity is KILLING! (Not to say murdering!) Making the pageant even more difficult for judges and fans.

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IMG_6188Selina Pearl herself needing of course no introduction, flowing across the titles and prizes IMG_6248to win and what this afternoon is meant for to the attendees. The candidates compete for best new artist, best free act, best comedy act and for best look-a-like. All of them can go home with the title “Showqueen of the year 2016”. One of the new titles to win is transgender of the year, the Golden Pearl Award for Outstanding Grace towards Showqueens and a Lifetime Achievement Award. Today was for journalists and press getting a moment in private with the Queens for asking personal questions, pics etc. More from this to come later on our page honeys.

IMG_6201IMG_6189A global view on the personal introduction shows off again the diversity in beauty and IMG_6190presence, but also what they stand for or why they attend these Show queen Awards this year. A few Queens want to make a statement for themselves, display to a wider public and audience abroad the places where they live now. Some are just there for having a wonderful time for their fans and a few want to see if there is more than meets the eye or false eyelashes. 
The girls showed some nerves on stage during the talk, so hopefully they are more prepared on the 5th of June. What will not say ANYTHING about the performance of the queen, but it is important in THE moment of truth to be prepared ALL the time darlings!
One or two of them pulled of a press conference like Oprah Winfrey into World Peace,  giving the full scale of who they are and what they achieved, and most of all hints into they’re act on the night itself. THAT is what we’re here for. We love it!

IMG_6289More and more the quality is HIGH and maybe HIGHER than the last years it happened. Again, this makes it even more exciting and for you all to come the 5th of June 2016. More to come into a personal round of Questions into Queendom.  Please follow our page
IMG_6273May the best Queen win, and the force of hairspray be with you!

Pink bosses and Christiaan
Christiaan and his Pink Bosses

See more at and please follow us for more about the contestants at Facebook, Youtube, Instagram , Twitter or Tumblr

Big kiss,



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