pink shower blast01

There is so much Pink news to spread and I don’t want you to miss out on the newest, hottest, interesting, sexiest, campiest, gayest stories, pictures and videos. That is why we are going to try to shower you with a short weekly blast of infotainment!!! Let’s get wet everywhere boys and girls. Hope you enjoy it and if you have something to share, please send me a message at


Gay contestant Andy Herren wins Big Brother USA 2013.


Straight actor & Hunk Gilles Marini

Actor and hunk Gilles Marini showed to be our straight ally by saying; “I think it’s very uncool to be in the closet nowadays…Don’t stay in the closet. You’ll only hurt your heart and down the line probably your family. They need to know the truth about what you like and what you want in life”


Cheyenne jackson
Cheyenne jackson

A jerk-off video went viral on the net and it is supposed to be Cheyenne Jackson,

Cheyenne's tattoos
Cheyenne’s tattoos

singer and Glee-actor. His tats should be the convincing part and the face that is showing at the end of the video saying he needs his boyfriend there. Follow the link and tell me what you think. It’s hot anyway, even if it shouldn’t be the hunky actor 😉 Cheyenne jackson jerking off?!?!

Straight actor Robert Redford makes clear at his annual Sundance Film Festival in Utah that he supports gay marriage and wants it become legal in Utah. “It’s un-American and like you I believe there’s no place for discrimination in our world”



Hunky Matt Bomer from "White colllar" and "Magic Mike"
Hunky Matt Bomer from “White colllar” and “Magic Mike”

Openly gay actor and hunk Matt Bomer is going to portray in a new movie closeted actor Montgomery Clift. He was a major movie star back in the days,  while he was firmly in the closet.

BUTT of the week:    liev schreiber01LIEV SCHREIBER from the series RAY DONOVAN Liev Schreiber nude Ray Donovan

Pedro Aldomovar
Pedro Aldomovar

This december Spanish gay film director Pedro Almodovar will be honored for his life’s work by the European Film Academy with the European Achievement in World Cinema Prize.

Kiss of the week: Hollyoaks John Paul and Doug kisses

For  the Young People’s Literature and Poetry longlist is the gay teen novel  “Two boys kissing” 6a00d8341c730253ef019aff747b86970c-800wifrom David Levithan nominated by the National Book Awards. The novel connect the stories of a number of teens, foremost among them one couple who decides to break the world record for longest kiss.

AMAZING & WELL DONE: Drag queen Alexia Twister covers Lady Gaga’s performance “Applause” in Let’s Club / Victoria Haus:

Straight ally for LGBT rights: Ben Cohen
Straight ally for LGBT rights: Ben Cohen

LGBT ally Ben Cohen wanted male partner on Strictly Come Dancing show. But retired rugby star is paired with Kristina Rihanoff who, he admits, ‘will be easier to pick up’. Kristina-Rihanoff-and-Ben-Cohen-2274247Ben Cohen may not be gay, but he still wanted a male dance partner on the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing ballroom competition. ‘I like to break down stereotypes,’ says Ben.

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