TV show “Make Up Your Mind” is a big hit! #PinkInOurLives

More than 1 million viewers enjoyed seven Dutch male celebrities, who starred as drag queens on Saturday evening. And you

High School Musical Star Joshua Bassett Chooses ‘Love’ in Heartwarming Post After Coming Out Video #GailyNews

Actor/musician Joshua Bassett addressed speculation around his sexuality on social media Tuesday after seemingly coming out in an interview on


What’s the T on Instagram these days? What is HOT or NOT? In appreciation of the easy on the eye

David Boreanaz leaked … touched by an Angel ? #NSFW

If you know the series “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”, “Angel” and “Bones”, than you also know this handsome and tall

Hot Australian Actors Nude!!! #Australiaday #pinkinourlives

Howdy mate!! Today is Australia Day and our friends at MrMan made us checking out what’s “Down Under” at our

GayZine Of The Week #PinkInOurLives

Hot of the press each week!!! News and information from our LGBT Community with topics: Headlines ? ? Earcandy ?