All Rise For Queen G.!!!

Oh What a night we had last Saturday night!!! It isn’t always with us gays Party, Party, Party, although this

Start your engines for MISS BELGIAN TRAVESTIE 2014

Wigs got styled, dresses got bought or made, Make-up put on, because it was time again for the largest election


With no Prides in the winter outdoors, you think it would be some boring cold months. But you can still


On the 18th of january was for the first time the benefit event SPARKLE with the presenting of the annual

2013 unwrapped like a condom out of his package step by step part 2 ;o)

First of all I want to wish you all a positive and a f*cking fantastic 2014 with hopefully lots of

Mister Gay World

Dear readers, I’m René, 28 years old and Lesley’s bf 😉 some of you already know me and may even