10 Realistic News Year’s Resolutions for Gay People #pinkbits #pinkinourlives #NYE2016

Everybody tries to make New Year’s resolutions every year, but most of them will get thrown out the window already

VOTE NOW FOR THE X-AWARDS #pinkbits #pinkinourlives

A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com In February 2016 is another edition of the Leather Pride in Antwerp/Belgium


On the 2nd of December 2015 the Pink Brand of the Year awards at Gay Discotheque Red & Blue in

AIDS CHARITY EVENT LIFE BALL 2015 #pinkbits #pinkinourlives

A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com Tomorrow it is World Aids Day and for the first time in

MR GAY WORLD 2015 KLAUS BURKART GIVES HIS TITLE AWAY #pinkbits #pinkinourlives

A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com After just seven months, when German Klaus  Burkart was crowned in May

PRESS EVENT PIG & HEN BRACELETS #pinkbits #pinkinourlives

A BITE OUT OF OUR PINK WORLD www.pinkinourlives.com Last Thursday evening Pink In Our Lives was invited to a Press